Knowsley Park Ward Vacancy For A Councillor

Knowsley Park Ward Vacancy For A Councillor

  • Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has arisen for a Town Councillor for the Knowsley Park  Ward of Knowsley Town Council, Following the resignation of a serving member.
  • A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if from the date of this notice until THURSDAY 19 MAY 2022, ten electors from the Knowsley Park Ward of Knowsley Town Council, give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Chief Executive of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council.
  •        The address of the Chief Executive is:

 Elections Office

 Knowsley Municipal Borough Council,
 Archway Road
 L36 9YU

    •  If no such notice is given the Town Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Dated 28 April 2022

Signed: Heather Weightman

Town Clerk


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