Councillors Surgeries

Councillors Surgeries

Stockbridge  Labour
Councillors Surgeries

To be held at the Community Pavilion, Pool Hey, Committee Room 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursday in the month 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm  this will provide  an  opportunity for residents to raise any issue with a local Councillor.



Cllr D Baum                             Cllr J Donnelly                        Cllr L O'Keeffe

Mobile No:                               Mobile No:                             Mobile No:

07557 849395                       07557 849396                     07385 420410

Please Note: Very occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances this information may change therefor its advised that before attending check that the surgery is being held with the Councillor via their details.



Knowsley Park Liberal Democrat

Councillors Surgeries

To be held at Bob Whiley Community Centre - First Tuesday of the Month 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm this will  provide an opportunity for residents to raise any issue with a local Councillor.



Cllr I Smith                                Cllr F E Wynn                        Cllr M Burke                        

07557849399                         0151 430 9496                  07767827474

Please Note: Very occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances this information may change therefor its advised that before attending check that the surgery is being held with the Councillor via their details.