Timetable of  Town Council Meetings

Timetable of Town Council Meetings

Timetable of Town Council Meetings

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (Schedule 12, Part III), every township must hold an Annual Meeting on some day between 1 March and 1 June. At this Annual Meeting, there is a general power to discuss township issues and pass the appropriate resolutions.

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (Schedule 12, Parts II and VI), the Town Council must also hold an Annual General Meeting in May. The first business of the Annual General Meeting will be to elect the mayor for the ensuing year (i.e. to the date of the next Annual General Meeting). Only Town Council elected members are entitled to speak and vote at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will take place  at The Community Pavilion Pool Hey, Stockbridge Village on Thursday 15 May 2025 (commencing 7.15 p.m.). Members of the public are very welcome to attend  meeting. Monthly Town Council Meeting take place at The Community Pavilion, Pool Hey, Stockbridge Village on the third Thursday of the month (commencing 7.15 p.m.) except April, August & December. Town Council meetings take place regularly during the year.  Meetings are held on Thursdays according to a schedule decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Town Council. Meetings start at 7.15 p.m. (normally held in Community Pavilion, Pool Hey) and are chaired by the Town Mayor. The Town Mayor for 2024/25 is Councillor Lee Tomlinson 

The Annual Town Meeting will take place at The Community Pavilion, Pool Hey, Stockbridge Village on 22 May 2025  (commencing 6.00 p.m.). Individuals registered as local government electors within the area of Knowsley Town Council are entitled to speak and vote. Resolutions passed at this meeting are NOT binding on the Town Council. 

The meeting schedule for the current municipal year is below:

1.      20 June 2024

2.      18 July 2024

3.      19 September 2024

4.      17 October 2024

5.      21 November 2024 

6.      16 January 2025

7.      20 February 2025

8.      20 March 2025

All the above meetings are open to the pubic (although there may be rare occasions when certain items are discussed in private).

The Town Council reserves the right to convene extraordinary meetings as circumstances dictate.

Further details regarding meetings of the Town Council can be obtained from the Clerk of the Council.