

Information Technology Protocol

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROTOCOL COUNCILLORS   INTRODUCTION: There are many benefits to IT but the increased... Read more

Privacy Policy

The privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this web site only. If you link to... Read more

Data Protection Policy

Information & Data Protection Policy This is the Information &... Read more

Model Publication Scheme

This Model Publication Scheme has been prepared and approved by Knowsley Town Council.Read more

Health And Safety Policy

The Health and Safety Policy Statement was adopted by Knowsley Town Council on 22 July 2022. To comply... Read more

Community Engagement Strategy

The Community Engagement StrategyRead more

Training Statement Of Intent

 Training Statement Of Intent Read more

Financial Regulations 2023/2024

Financial Regulations are always considered at the Annual General Meeting of the Town Council. Please see below Financial Regulations for 2023/24  Read more

Risk Assessment

 Risk Assessment was undertaken and approved by the Town Council on 16th March 2023.   Read more