Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month – take time to think about your wellbeing


We’re urging residents to take time to think about their wellbeing as part of Stress Awareness Month this April.

The last two years have been very challenging for everyone and as we emerge from the pandemic there may be many more issues that might be causing you to experience stress, anxiety and worry. However, no matter what your situation or however you are feeling there is support available to you.

The cost-of-living crisis means money worries are at the front of many people’s minds.  Knowsley residents can  access benefits and debt management advice and support from Knowsley  Citizens Advice.

The Better Health – Every Mind Matters website includes practical tips and support on how you can deal with life’s challenges such as money and job worries as well as how you can support others.

By answering five simple questions you can also get a free NHS approved mind plan with practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, improve your sleep and feel more in control.

There are also simple things we can all do to help reduce the stress we’re experiencing:

Some useful tips:

Keep active, just 10 minutes of daily activity can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep and feel better. Walks in the park, gardening and housework can all keep you active.

Talk about your feelings – when you’re upset, worried or feeling down it can help to talk to family or friends. If you know someone who may be struggling, encourage them to talk.

Keep in touch with others – Keep in touch, there’s nothing better than catching up with a friend, if you can’t do that in person give then a call or send a text or email. Check that they are okay. Remember a problem shared can be a problem halved.

Make time – to look after yourself especially if you’re looking after others.  It can help you to relax, recharge and focus on your own needs and help build up your resilience to cope with the stresses of daily life.   that you enjoy.

Drink less alcohol – if you’re feeling low, alcohol can make you feel worse as it is a depressant. By limiting the amount you drink will also help you sleep better and may help improve your mood.

Ask for help – None of us are superhuman. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things go wrong. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope ask your family or friends for some help, contact one of the support agencies below or speak to your GP.

Crisis mental health support

If you, or someone you know, need urgent help mental health support please call the NHS Mental Health crisis line on 0800 051 1508.  NHS staff will then support you to get the help you need. This is available 24/7 for people of all ages, including children and young people.

Support for people of all ages

The Better Health Every Mind Matters website has a range of dedicated support and resources to help parents look after the mental wellbeing of their children and for young people to care for their own mental health.

Qwell offers adults over 19 in Knowsley free digital mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week with access to an extensive range of self-care information and resources such as an online journal and peer-to-peer support via moderated forums.  One-on-one counselling sessions with fully qualified wellbeing practitioners are also available 365 days a year, from midday to 10pm on weekdays, and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends and holidays.

Think Wellbeing offers free NHS therapy for people with anxiety or low mood, to help people change the way they feel by changing the way they think.  Available to anyone aged over 16 who is registered with a Knowsley GP, you can self-refer via the website or ask your GP to refer you.  Similar services exist in other areas for those who live outside of Knowsley.

SHOUT is a free, confidential text messaging service available 24/7 for anyone who is feeling low, anxious, worried, overwhelmed or not quite yourself. The number won’t appear on your phone bill.  By texting the word ‘REACH’ to 85258 you will start a conversation with a trained volunteer who will listen and support you to get to a calmer and safer place.

For those aged 55 and over the Silver Line is a helpline which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. It is free to call on 0800 4 70 80 90 from a mobile or landline.

Listening Ear provide a range of emotional and psychological therapies and support services for children, young people and adults.

Stay Alive, the suicide prevention app (available free on iOS and Android devices), is designed to help both those who are having suicidal thoughts and those who are concerned about someone else.  It has several features including a safety plan and LifeBox where people can upload images or videos that remind them of their reasons to stay alive. The app also directs people to local help and gives people the tools to start a conversation about mental health and suicide.

Young people in Knowsley aged between 10 and 19 years can access free counselling and wellbeing support with Kooth. The online support is free, safe and anonymous and provides advice on a range of topics. Young people can chat to the friendly Kooth community or speak to a member of the Kooth team.

Meanwhile, the Young Minds website has some really useful advice for children and young people and parents/ carers.

Knowsley CAMHS Services is a referral service for children and young people in Knowsley whose emotional, behavioural or mental health issues are causing them problems in their school, family or social life. If you are worried about your child, make an appointment to speak to your GP.

Rise in scarlet fever across North West

Rise in scarlet fever across North West


Parents in the North West are being reminded of the symptoms of scarlet fever following a rise in cases.

The warning comes from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) which says that whilst infections are in line with what we expect to see at this time of year, there has been an increase compared to 2021 when measures during the pandemic such as social distancing, enhanced hygiene and school and nursery closures kept cases below average.

A total of 914 notifications of scarlet fever were reported between September 2021 and March 2022 in the North West, the highest rate of any region in England (see notes to editors for a link to the data).

Scarlet fever is caused by a bacteria called group A streptococcus. Scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, but it is highly infectious, spread by coughing and sneezing. Other rare symptoms of group A streptococcus infection can include septicaemia (infection in the blood) which can potentially be fatal.

In particular, the other rare symptoms can arise when scarlet fever circulates at the same time as other skin infections such as chickenpox in a school or nursery, as is currently the case.  Early treatment of scarlet fever with antibiotics is important as it helps reduce the risk of complications.

UKHSA is advising parents to be on the lookout for symptoms, which include a sore throat, headache and fever with a characteristic fine, pinkish or red body rash with a sandpapery feel.

If signs of scarlet fever are suspected, it is important to contact your local GP or NHS 111. Early treatment of scarlet fever with antibiotics is important as it helps reduce the risk of complications such as pneumonia and the spread of the infection to others. Children or adults diagnosed with scarlet fever are advised to stay at home until at least 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment to avoid spreading the infection to others.

Dr Merav Kliner, Interim Regional Deputy Director – North West, at UKHSA, said: “It’s not uncommon to see a rise in cases of scarlet fever at this time of year and we are continuing to monitor rates of infection. Scarlet fever is highly contagious but not usually serious and is easily treatable with antibiotics. It is important to take antibiotics, if prescribed by a GP, to minimise the risk of complications and spread to others.

“We are reminding parents to be aware of the symptoms of scarlet fever and to call their GP or NHS 111 for further advice or assessment if they think their child might have it.

“To limit the spread of scarlet fever it is important to practice good hygiene by washing hands with warm water and soap, not sharing drinking glasses or utensils, and covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.”

Many common infections declined during lockdown and are now circulating at higher levels, particularly in pre-school and nursery settings.

UKHSA advises people can protect themselves by:

  • Washing hands often
  • Not sharing eating utensils with an infected person
  • Washing, or disposing of, handkerchiefs and tissues contaminated by an infected person
  • Being aware that people can catch scarlet fever by inhaling airborne droplets if someone with the illness coughs or sneezes in the air near them
  • Use a tissue to catch, bin and kill germs

If you think you, or your child, have scarlet fever:

  • Seek medical advice
  • If you or your child are prescribed antibiotics, make sure you take the full course
  • Current guidance advises that children should not return to nursery or school and adults to work until a minimum of 24 hours after starting treatment to avoid spreading infection

Homes for Ukraine Programme

Knowsley Council
🏠 🇺🇦 Liverpool City Council is hosting two online information sessions on the Homes for Ukraine programme on the 14 and 28 April at 6pm. You can find out more about the programme and how to register for the events via the link below 🔽

The Government has announced a “Homes for Ukraine programme” which allows individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to offer a room or home to Ukrainian refugees.

Someone is eligible for the scheme if they are a Ukrainian national or the immediate family member of a Ukrainian national and were resident in Ukraine prior to 1 January 2022.

People arriving under this scheme will be able to:

  • Live and work in the UK for up to three years
  • Access healthcare, benefits, employment support, education, and English language tuition.

Members of the public can nominate a named Ukrainian person/family to stay with them.

If you’re able to offer a spare room or separate self-contained accommodation, it must be available for at least 6 months, fit for people to live in, and suitable for the number of people to be accommodated. It’s just accommodation you’ll need to provide (not meals as well). You will not be expected to cover the costs of food and living expenses. Further details on types of accommodation suitable can be found in the FAQs.

People offering accommodation will receive a payment of £350 per month – this will be tax-free and won’t affect their Council Tax status or benefits entitlement.

The UK-based sponsors will be vetted, and the Ukrainian applicants will undergo security checks, which the Secretary of State says are being streamlined.

There won’t be a cap on the number of people who can use the scheme.

If you have a named person who you wish to sponsor, you should get in contact with them directly and prepare to fill in a visa application with all their details and yours. The visa application will go live on Friday 18 March.

If you don’t know anyone who you wish to sponsor you may wish to get in touch with charities, faith groups or local community organisations who are starting to make connections between individuals.

You can also record your interest as an individual or as an organisation (for example charity, business, community group).

Liverpool City Council is hosting two online information sessions for those who are thinking of, or already have, signed up to the scheme. The events take place on:

Thursday 14 April  2022 at 6pm

Friday 28 April 2022 at 6pm

Find out more


Childhood Day

Join NSPCC’s Childhood Day team and raise money in your community! Sign up to volunteer at a collection between 23 May – 12 June and help keep children safe.

Knowsley Chambers drop-in

6th April Knowsley Chambers had their monthly First Tuesday drop-in at Huyton Library

with support from

. Great to meet with local entrepreneurs to discuss available support ‍


Waste Collection

Not sure when to put out your bins over the Easter break? Bins will be emptied as usual on Good Friday (15 April), but collections on Easter Monday (18 April) will be made on Saturday, 16 April. Check your online calendar for details.


Family Learning Courses

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The Littlewoods of Stockbridge Association

 Junior Rangers volunteered to help the community do a litter pick and clean up in the Hollowcroft area of Stockbridge Village. They worked hard with community members and volunteers through wind, hail rain and sunshine and did a fantastic job. We’ll done kids !!!!

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Knowsley Foodbank

Theo has been an amazing ambassador for the Big Help Project, and his dedication to making sure no one in his local community goes hungry always blows us away. Join us in giving an extra special thank you to Theo and Sonny for all their hard work and generosity - their efforts mean that we can make sure that every family gets to have a happy Easter! 🐰 

May be an image of 2 people, child, people standing and toy

The Whitechapel Centre

The Whitechapel Centre are starting to receive the first donations of Easter Eggs for the children in the families we support but we need some more to make sure every child receives one.

If you have any spares please drop them off to our donations warehouse, Unit 6, 10A Blackstock Street, L3 6EP. Thank you



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