Tall Tales, Stockbridge Village

Tall Tales, Stockbridge Village


Stockbridge Village tenants see their memories, hopes and dreams come alive in atmospheric tower-block light show

February 9, 2022

More than 1600 people visited Stockbridge Village this weekend (4 & 5 February) to see the latest instalment in Knowsley’s year-long Borough of Culture programme.

Tall Tales was a stunning large-scale community artwork that saw Merecliff – a residential 16 storey tower block in Stockbridge Village owned by ForHousing– animated and illuminated in light, accompanied by heart-warming stories from the local community.

Landlord ForHousing, Knowsley Council, light and sound artists, Illuminos and importantly the people of Stockbridge Village collaborated to bring this dramatic projection to the heart of the community.

The site-specific projection, unique to Stockbridge and Merecliff high rise, opened with the scene of a pot of tea, pouring everyone a cuppa from the windows on the block.  Voices from the community were overlayed, sharing their stories about riding chopper bikes through the old subways, the pride of football on the estate & the beauty for the Craigs Community Garden creating a vibrant, immersive celebration of the borough.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Communities & Neighbourhoods, said: “Tall Tales was a joyous celebration of the people of Stockbridge Village. It had humour and heart and it’s something the entire community should be proud of.

“Tall Tales is the latest instalment in Knowsley’s year-long Borough of Culture programme. So far visitors have enjoyed Aqualux in Kirkby, Magic Wood in Halewood and Gaia at St.Chad’s Church – with all attractions forming part of ‘New Dawn’ – a series of moments of light across the borough. There are still more illuminating events to come, and I’d encourage everyone to come along and be a part of this special year.”

Connor Dowle, aged 11, had his story featured in the projection which he created at school. Connor said: “I was so excited to see my picture in Tall Tales.”


Tall Tales - Stockbridge VillageConnor Dowle, aged 11 Tall Tales - Stockbridge Village Tall Tales - Stockbridge VillageTall Tales - Stockbridge Village Tall Tales - Stockbridge Village (16) Tall Tales - Stockbridge Village

New Dawn Spectacular

New Dawn light spectacular at Knowsley Hall


New Dawn Spectacular – ballot winners notified

February 4, 2022

The ballot to allocate tickets for the New Dawn Spectacular at Knowsley Hall has now taken place and everyone who applied for tickets is being urged to check their emails to see if they have been successful.

There was an overwhelming response to the ballot, with requests for more than 4000 tickets, from people wanting to be part of this amazing spectacular.

Cllr Shelley Powell Knowsley’s Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Communities said:

“We have been overwhelmed by the incredible response we have had from the public and the numbers of people who want to come along. There is clearly a huge appetite for cultural events like this in our communities, which is fantastic. And we’re delighted that more than 70% of tickets have been allocated to Knowsley residents.

“We wish we could offer a ticket to everyone but for those people who aren’t able to come along this time, we hope they can still enjoy watching some of the footage – which we will be making available on our website and social media channels. There are also still lots of exciting events and activities coming up across the borough throughout the rest of the year so please do still get involved where you can.”

The New Dawn Spectacular is enchanting light show that will celebrate Knowsley’s colourful past, present and future, and will be set in the majestic grounds of Knowsley Hall. The hall itself will be illuminated in a series of dramatic projections recreating a vision of a pop-up story book – a fairy tale of lights and sound, to tell the stories of Knowsley.

Delivered by video projection artists Illuminos and accompanied by an atmospheric soundtrack from renowned composer Patrick Dineen, the spectacular will create a unique and memorable moment for all visitors.

This event will be the grand finale to Knowsley’s New Dawn programme – which has started the celebrations for Knowsley’s Year as the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture.

Also happening as part of New Dawn:

Gaia, the earth artwork, is on display at St. Chad’s Church in Kirkby until Thursday 17 February. Free tickets are available to book here. 

Submergence and Singularity will be in Huyton Village from 12 – 26 February and illuminated between 5pm and 10pm daily. Both impressive artworks will add a new and fascinating dimension to life after dark.

You can find out more about Knowsley’s Borough of Culture events at www.cultureknowsley.co.uk or by following @cultureknowsley on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Borough of Culture

The Borough of Culture title was introduced by Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. It is awarded annually on a rotational basis to one of the six local authorities that make up the Liverpool City Region.

The Borough of Culture is part of the 1% for Culture initiative which commits at least 1% of the Liverpool City Region’s annual gain share (£300k) to cultural projects/activities. Established as an annual award rotating around the boroughs, the Borough of Culture helps to celebrate, amplify and strengthen the existing cultural offer, develop new ideas and initiatives that will underpin future development and legacy.

Liverpool City Region is the first Combined Authority to have control over culture in its devolution deal, utilising many of the region’s existing assets and talent to stimulate cultural and creative opportunities.

The Borough of Culture was first launched in St Helens in 2018, followed by Wirral 2019, Sefton 2020, Halton in 2021 and is currently held by Knowsley for 2022. The programme rotation will recommence in 2023 back in St Helens.

Thousands gather in Huyton for latest culture event


Thousands gather in Huyton for latest culture event

February 17, 2022

More than 2000 people visited Huyton Village Centre this weekend (Saturday 12 February) for the launch of light artworks, ‘Submergence’ and ‘Singularity’ created by world renowned artists Squid Soup.

The two immersive light installations captured the imaginations of adults and children alike and will be on display until Saturday 26 February from 5-10pm every night.

For the launch event, Spark Illuminated Drummers brought the beats and entertained the crowds. Their performances got people into the party spirit, and despite the rain, everyone enjoyed their high energy routine – with many dancing along as well as capturing the moment on their phones.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods said: “The rain didn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirits and it was fantastic to see so many people join us for the latest event celebrating our year as Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture.

“We are bringing culture to the heart of our communities and it’s clear there is an appetite for this based on the numbers who came out on Saturday. Significantly, Saturday’s event also demonstrated the wider economic impact that culture can have – with most bars and restaurants seeing an increase in footfall during the evening.”

Spark Drummers perform at the launch of Singularity and Submergence Singularity, located in ‘The Forum’ outside Peacocks in Huyton Village 

Spark Drummers perform at launch of Submergence and Singularity

More about Singularity and Submergence
Submergence is a reflective, immersive walkthrough experience on display in Sherbourne Square in Huyton Village Centre. Consisting of thousands of individual points of suspended light, visitors are encouraged to enter the artwork to experience the amazing light illusion for themselves.

Singularity consists of 6720 controllable mapped points of light, made up of over 20,000 LEDs and is located just outside Peacocks.

You can find out more about the artworks on the Culture Knowsley website – www.cultureknowsley.co.uk

Borough of Culture

The Borough of Culture title was introduced by Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. It is awarded annually on a rotational basis to one of the six local authorities that make up the Liverpool City Region.

The Borough of Culture is part of the 1% for Culture initiative which commits at least 1% of the Liverpool City Region’s annual gain share (£300k) to cultural projects/activities. Established as an annual award rotating around the boroughs, the Borough of Culture helps to celebrate, amplify and strengthen the existing cultural offer, develop new ideas and initiatives that will underpin future development and legacy.

Liverpool City Region is the first Combined Authority to have control over culture in its devolution deal, utilising many of the region’s existing assets and talent to stimulate cultural and creative opportunities.

The Borough of Culture was first launched in St Helens in 2018, followed by Wirral 2019, Sefton 2020, Halton in 2021 and is currently held by Knowsley for 2022. The programme rotation will recommence in 2023 back in St Helens.

£165,000 waste prevention fund for community groups

£165,000 waste prevention fund for community groups - Knowsley News

Local community groups involved in activities aimed at reducing household waste, encouraging recycling and preventing carbon emissions can apply for a share of the fund.

A share of £165,000 is up for grabs by community groups who are helping to make Knowsley a cleaner and greener place.

Community and voluntary groups, schools and not-for-profit organisations who are involved in activities aimed at reducing household waste, encouraging recycling and preventing carbon emissions can apply for a share of the fund. The projects will also have to demonstrate wider positive impacts on the environment, health and education.

The money is coming from the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority and Veolia Community Fund 2022/23.

How much funding can my scheme get?

Successful applicants can be awarded up to £30,000 for schemes which operate across all six local authority areas across Merseyside and Halton, and between £1,000 and £8,000 for projects which work solely in one council area.

Bids must tackle one or more of the four priority household waste materials which have been identified by MRWA, namely food, plastics, textiles and furniture. An analysis of waste in the region highlighted that a greater amount of these materials could be re-used or recycled. Projects can also include other household waste materials, for example paper, card, metals.

What has the money been used for in the past?

Previous Community Fund projects have included local recycling guidebooks, cookery clubs to improve people’s diet and reduce food waste, restoring old furniture to sell for charity and refurbishing unwanted rugs for resale.

The impact of the 2020/21 fund saw 13 projects divert 291 tonnes of material from disposal, 19,915 people directly engaged, the participation of 12,125 volunteer hours, 85 events held, 451 training sessions take place, and a 541 tonne reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions.

One organisation to benefit from the Community Fund is charity Faiths for Change, which ran a series of pop-up boutique events in Northwood, Kirkby. The events gave residents the chance to bring along any unwanted clothes, books or toys they wanted to swap or give a new lease of life to – all for free.

How do I apply?

Interested groups can download the application form from the MRWA website www.merseysidewda.gov.uk. The deadline for submissions is 11.59pm on Sunday 20 March 2022. If groups aren’t sure whether their project is appropriate for consideration then they can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via email to MRWA at communityfund.2022-2023@merseysidewda.gov.uk before Sunday 27th February 2022.

Successful projects should receive the funding by mid May 2022 and will have ten months to deliver their schemes by March 2023.

Organisations interested in this year’s Community Fund can:

Mental Health

Let’s talk about Mental Health

The nation’s biggest mental health conversation – Time to Talk Day – takes place on Thursday 3 February 2022. It’s a day for friends, families and communities to come together to talk, listen and possibly change lives.

It might not always feel easy to know what to say if someone does open up about their mental health, but it doesn’t have to be awkward and being there for someone can make a big difference, which is why Knowsley is backing the campaign from Mind and Rethink Mental Illness.

There is no right way to talk about mental health; however, these tips can help make sure you’re approaching it in a helpful way:

Ask twice

We know that people often say they’re fine when they’re not. So, asking twice is an important way of starting conversations about mental health and letting people know that you really are interested.

Think about the time and place

Sometimes it’s easier to talk side by side rather than face to face. So, if you do talk in person, you might want to chat while you are doing something else. You could start a conversation when you’re walking, cooking or stuck in traffic. However, don’t let the search for the perfect place put you off!

Some people find it easier to talk about things via text or email, and that’s fine too. If your main form of communication is WhatsApp, check in with them on there.

Talk about yourself

If you want someone to open up to you it can help them feel safe and understood if you share your own feelings. It could be as simple as sharing that you get down sometimes or sharing something that you’ve been worrying about recently. This will make it clear that you’re happy to talk about feelings and that there won’t be any judgement.

Approach the elephant in the room

If you know that someone has experienced mental illness – maybe they took some time off work recently or spoke about it in the past – don’t be afraid to ask how they’re doing. Simply asking, “how are things now?” or “are you back at work?” shows that person that they have nothing to feel awkward about.

If you think someone has been acting differently it’s OK to mention that too, if it is done in a kind way. “You’ve seemed a bit quiet recently, is everything alright? I’m here if you want to talk.” This shows that you care and opens the door for them to chat about things when they’re ready.

Don’t try and fix it

It can be hard to see someone you care about having a difficult time but try to resist the urge to offer quick fixes to what they’re going through. Learning to manage or recover from a mental health problem can be a long journey, and they’ve likely already considered lots of different tools and strategies. Just talking can be really powerful, so unless they’ve asked for advice directly, it might be best just to listen.

Treat them the same

When someone has a mental health problem, they’re still the same person as they were before. And that means when a friend or loved one opens up about mental health, they don’t want to be treated any differently. If you want to support them, keep it simple. Do the things you’d normally do.

Be patient

No matter how hard you try, some people might not be ready to talk about what they’re going through. That’s ok – the fact that you’ve tried to talk to them about it may make it easier for them to open up another time.

There are more top tips on the Time to Talk website.

Cllr Christine Bannon, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Health, said:

“Time to Talk Day is about us all being open to the idea of talking – we all need to look after our mental health, and by having conversations about it we can help ourselves and others.

“Talking openly may lead someone who is currently experiencing difficulties to open up about this, and they may need some support, as sensitive conversations may bring up difficult things. There are lots of places to which you can go or direct people for help.

“There’s also support available 24/7 for anyone in mental health crisis and in need of urgent help.”

There are lots of places to which you can go or direct people for help.

The Better Health NHS Every Mind Matters website has a range of dedicated support, expert advice and lots of practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.  You can also get a free NHS-approved Mind Plan, simply answer five quick questions you will get a free plan with practical tips to help you manage stress, sleep better and boost your mood.

QWell offers adults over 19 in Knowsley free digital mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week with access to an extensive range of self-care information and resources such as an online journal and peer-to-peer support via moderated forums.

One-on-one counselling sessions with fully qualified wellbeing practitioners are also available 365 days a year, from midday to 10pm on weekdays, and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends and holidays.

Think Wellbeing offers free NHS therapy for people with anxiety or low mood, to help people change the way they feel by changing the way they think.

Available to anyone aged over 16 who is registered with a Knowsley GP, you can self-refer via the website or ask your GP to refer you.  Similar services exist in other areas for those who live outside of Knowsley.

SHOUT is a free, confidential text messaging service available 24/7 for anyone who is feeling low, anxious, worried, overwhelmed or not quite yourself. The number won’t appear on your phone bill.

By texting the word ‘REACH’ to 85258 you will start a conversation with a trained volunteer who will listen and support you to get to a calmer and safer place.

Young people in Knowsley aged between 10 and 19 years can access free counselling and wellbeing support with Kooth. The online support is free, safe and anonymous and provides advice on a range of topics. Young people can chat to the friendly Kooth community or speak to a member of the Kooth team.

Meanwhile, the Young Minds website has some really useful advice for children and young people and parents/ carers.

Knowsley CAMHS Services is a referral service for children and young people in Knowsley whose emotional, behavioural or mental health issues are causing them problems in their school, family or social life. If you are worried about your child, make an appointment to speak to your GP.

For those aged 55 and over the Silver Line is a helpline which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. It is free to call on 0800 4 70 80 90 from a mobile or landline.

Listening Ear provide a range of emotional and psychological therapies and support services for children, young people and adults.

Crisis mental health support

If you, or someone you know, need urgent help mental health support please call the NHS Mental Health crisis line on 0800 051 1508.  NHS staff will then support you to get the help you need. This is available 24/7 for people of all ages, including children and young people.

Stay Alive, the suicide prevention app (available free on iOS and Android devices), is designed to help both those who are having suicidal thoughts and those who are concerned about someone else.

It has several features including a safety plan and LifeBox where people can upload images or videos that remind them of their reasons to stay alive. The app also directs people to local help and gives people the tools to start a conversation about mental health and suicide.



February is LGBT+ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) History Month and aims to encourage honesty and openness about being LGBT+.

This year sees the 50th anniversary of the very first Pride March in the UK in 1972. 

This year's theme will be "The Arc is Long" which was inspired by a Martin Luther King quote: 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice" Meaning that although it is taking a long time, we are curving/moving towards social justice and fairness. This theme provides us with the opportunity to explore the idea of social justice and changing attitudes towards LGBT+ people. While we have come a long way in terms of inclusion and attitudes towards same sex relationships and equal marriage, many LGBT+ people still face discrimination and prejudice in their day to day lives and there is still a great deal of work to be done.

In support of LGBT+ and other operational workers groups, information will be shared throughout February about:

  • Pronouns – why is it important and how can you update your signature on the staff directory
  • Navajo – Knowsley's commitment to the Navajo Charter Mark
  • Monitoring and why monitoring is important to Knowsley Council.

Further information can also be found on the LGBT+ Plus History Month website and The Human Dignity Trust.


Did you know Knowsley has a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Forum? 

The Knowsley Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Forum offers support and encouragement to employees who wish to join or contribute to their activities. One of the main aims of the group is to increase the profile of the council as an employer which is supportive of its LGBT+ workers, where their contribution to the council is celebrated and valued as part of a diverse workforce.

The group acts as a consultation forum for new policies and strategies and hopes to influence change and open a two-way process for exchanging ideas, problem solving, and information sharing. It assists employees with development and empowerment and aims to raise awareness and reduce discrimination within the workplace.

For more information, contact Carl Phillips on 443 2398 or email carl.phillips@knowsley.gov.uk.

Here you can access information about the KLGBT+ Forum and how you can join. You can also email gwen.forkin@knowsley.gov.uk for further information.




​National Apprenticeship Week 2022 is an opportunity for us to celebrate, learn and promote the value of apprenticeship qualifications here in Knowsley – not only for new starters, but also for those colleagues who have worked here for many years and who are keen to gain a recognised qualification in their chosen area of work.

During next week, we will be looking closer at this year's theme of #BUILD THE FUTURE and we will highlight opportunities to learn more about what we've done so far, what we're doing in the future and how you can get involved.

Here's a short video to inspire you to find out more and here's a hint of what's in store for the coming week…


Look out next week for the following (MS Teams links to online sessions and more to follow):

Monday – As we launch the week, we will be welcoming a couple of our training providers to deliver short information sessions on Early Years, Teaching Assistant and Health and Social Care apprenticeship qualifications. 

Tuesday – We will be offering information sessions on the L3 Team Leader and Business Administration apprenticeship qualifications as well as an information session with our partners Knowsley FACE on Functional Skills (Maths and English)

Wednesday – On Wednesday it's time to look at what's available within a Project Management apprenticeship qualification as well as an information session on the Customer Services qualifications

Thursday – A variety on Thursday; showcasing L5 Operational Management, Functional Skills, Early Years, Teaching Assistant and the Health and Social Care suite of qualifications.

Friday – We end the week with information sessions on Business Administration and Customer Services as well as taking the opportunity to give a Roll of Honour to those colleagues who have done an amazing job of undertaking and completing an Apprenticeship qualification during the Pandemic!  No mean feat and we honour each one for showing true determination, resilience and commitment.

Plus lots more...  

LCR cultural diversity creative project launches in Knowsley

LCR cultural diversity creative project launches in Knowsley

‘Different Voices – Shared Lives’ is a new project designed to develop and showcase writing talent from the region’s Black, Asian, Irish, Roma, and other racial minority communities.

It will provide creative opportunities for underrepresented communities across the Liverpool City Region to express themselves, raise awareness of their histories and explore contemporary experiences of living and working in the region.

The creative collaboration from Writing on the Wall (WoW) and Liverpool City Region (LCR) Library Services is now appealing for participants from Knowsley ahead of the project getting underway in the borough next month (February).

Different Voices – Shared Lives

Participants will take part in a series of workshops, receive mentoring from established writers, and create a publishable anthology that places diverse voices at the forefront for the benefit of future generations. These stories will be showcased in Knowsley’s libraries and a variety of settings across the region.

The project will also provide a creative outlet for underrepresented communities to improve health and wellbeing, validate lived experience, and serve as a powerful tool for change. Different Voices – Shared Lives will also no doubt touch on the communities’ experiences during the pandemic, who are disproportionately affected. With this project, WoW and LCR Library Services hope to strengthen local communities, championing new writing talent.

Cllr Jayne Aston, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Rescources, said:

 “We’re delighted Knowsley is a part of this project and look forward to discovering more about the history and heritage of our diverse communities. Preserving our history is vitally important and the creative works produced and showcased during the course of the project will enrich Knowsley’s collective story.

“The opportunity to enhance further the borough’s fascinating heritage is also very timely, with Knowsley the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture 2022.”

Funded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Different Voices – Shared Lives will take place in Halton, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, and Wirral, as well as Knowsley.

The project sees the combination of WoW’s acclaimed What’s Your Story? and their Creative Heritage work.

Writing on the Wall Co-Director Madeline Heneghan, said:

“Offering the region’s Black, Asian and other minority communities the opportunity to share their stories, enriches all of our lives across the region. It educates, creates community and combats racism.

“This is a unique City-Region wide collaboration that will work with diverse communities to offer them the space and a platform to relate, discuss and share their experiences, and their stories with support and guidance to develop their own creativity. We are looking forward to meeting new people and to discovering the histories and heritage of communities whose stories have been largely undocumented and neglected and to creating new writing, poetry, publications and performance, for everyone to experience and enjoy.”

Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region Steve Rotheram commented:

“Our region’s diversity is one of our great strengths; something to be celebrated and encouraged. It enriches our culture, economy, and the very fabric of our society.

“I launched a Race Equality Programme to help nurture that diversity, level the playing field, create opportunities and tackle structural racism across our region.

“This project, led by Writing on the Wall, will place a special emphasis on the lived experience of underrepresented communities and will help us understand the barriers they face and develop lasting solutions.”

 How to get involved

The project will get underway in Knowsley in February, so if you are a member of a Black, Asian, or other racial minority community and would like to share your story and get involved contact mikey.dunne@writingonthewall.org.uk or call 0151 703 0200.

 For more information on the project visit: https://writingonthewall.org.uk

New opportunities for young people in Knowsley

New opportunities for young people in Knowsley

The Learning Foundry is launching a range of new courses with routes into employment to help young people across the Liverpool City Region kickstart a career.

The training provider is offering new traineeship programmes for 16-24 year olds designed with industry experts, providing young people with the skills and work experience they need to get ready for their chosen career.

Part of The Regenda Group, The Learning Foundry work with organisations such as The Good Business Festival, Future Yard and BBC to deliver courses.

New opportunities include:

Youthquake , starting this January – Youthquake is not just a training programme, it is a unique platform allowing learners first-hand access to key business leaders across the region.  On this 18 week programme for 16-24 year old, learners will use the opportunities presented by The Good Business Festival to study how ‘good business’ can be a catalyst for change, and how social entrepreneurship can benefit their local area.  They are tasked with planning a business concept to address key issues in their community, before pitching this to local business leaders at a Dragon’s Den style event. They will also undertake a work experience placement with a top employer, to put their skills into practice.

Dental, starting this January – The ideal programme for young people who want to explore a career in dental nursing! Learners will experience the role of a dental nurse, learn how to mix materials in a dental setting, develop a strong knowledge of the structure of a tooth and earn a First Aid qualification too, with a work experience placement in a top local dental practice.

Picture Your Future, starting this February – Ideal for young people who are still unsure about which career path to go down!  This programme will give learners a chance to focus on employability skills, personal development, and confidence.  Learners will explore a range of sectors to help them make up their mind. They’ll get English and Maths support too, along with real work experience.

 Media and Broadcasting, starting this February – Delivered in Salford, this is an exciting traineeship opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed for a career in the media and broadcasting industry – alongside work experience placements at the BBC! Learners will study radio presentation, media production, project management and more.

Soundcheck, starting this April –  The Learning Foundry are teaming up with one of the most exciting new music venues in the UK, Future Yard, to develop a unique new traineeship programme for young people who want a career in the live music industry.

To apply, or to recommend a friend, head to www.thelearningfoundry.co.uk/moreyou, or call 0300 123 8088.

Preparing for Adulthood online workshops on 31 Jan & 3 Feb

Are you interested in playing a part in improving the life chances of young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) in Knowsley? Then sign up for our Preparing for Adulthood online workshops on 31 Jan & 3 Feb orlo.uk/Jpwii orlo.uk/UR85z
