The Littlewoods of Stockbridge Association

The Littlewoods of Stockbridge Association

May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outdoors and tree

The LWSA woodland Volunteers have been working hard in our woodland today clearing brush and cutting down unsafe trees ready for bulb planting in September. We’ll done !!!


The COVID vaccination bus


The COVID vaccination bus is at Old Rough Lane, Northwood, #Kirkby 10am - 4pm today. Vaccines are available for residents aged 18 years and over. No appointment is needed – just come along and get vaccinated

Summer Events in Knowsley

Hello Summer: Event Listings

This summer there is plenty for you and the family to enjoy.

As Knowsley prepares for its year as Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture, you can take part in events that will shape the year.

Town Centres and Villages will also be alive with a whole range of events from urban beaches to weekly performances that will capture the imagination of all.

Carry on reading for everything that’s coming up…


This summer Knowsley’s villages and Town Centres present a range of free, family-friendly events including superheroes, dinosaurs, carnival days, circus, urban beach and so much more.


Random Acts of Entertainment
Saturday 7th August
10am – 3pm
Enjoy a full day of fun and frolics to put a smile on everyone's faces with an appearance from Titan the robot and meet the B Boys causing chaos.

The ‘Have a Go’ event
Saturday 14th August
10am – 3pm
Show us your talents and enjoy a range of workshops from country dancing and drama to crafting. If playing games is more your thing, have a go on crazy golf course and our selection of giant games including Connect4, Snakes and Ladders, Jenga and much more.

Urban Beach
Monday 16 – Monday 30 August
10am – 3pm
Spend the afternoon at Prescot’s first ever urban beach. A place where the family can enjoy the feeling of the seaside.

Life's a Beach
Saturday 21st August
10am – 3pm
Come and join in with some seaside style fun complete with Punch & Judy, circus acts as well as a Spanish musical trio bringing a Mediterranean flavour to Knowsley.

Dino Invasion
Saturday 28th August
10am – 3pm
Come and meet the baby dinosaurs, including a T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops.



Urban Summer Beach
Open every day (except Sundays) from Saturday 24 July - Saturday 28th August
10am – 4pm
Free to attend and open every day, the whole family can enjoy Kirkby’s urban beach. Every Tuesday from 11am - 4pm take part in craft activities and throughout the week enjoy much more including sandcastle competitions. Plus, every Saturday there will be incredible street theatre acts.

Granny Turismos
Saturday 7 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
Listen for the screech of burning rubber. Meet the first and only shopping trolley dance display team. When Doris, Mary or Marge arrive on their souped-up shopping trolleys with their pumping tunes, everyone takes notice. Fantastic and unique, the Grannies are loud and a force to be reckoned with.

Mr Flower Gardener
Saturday 7 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
Come see Mr Flower Gardner, the mesmerising Contact Juggling ball juggler. His performances are guaranteed to amaze, and this the performer has had hundreds of thousands of Facebook views of his performances.

Pongo & Bill
Saturday 21 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
Join Pongo, the inquisitive, affectionate, adorable, cheeky and world's only eight-foot, chocolate egg laying Obobee bird. This playful little hatching is accompanied by eccentric pet shop owner Bill Oddity, a travelling salesman with a menagerie of the galaxy's most extraordinary creatures.

Giant Tortoise
Saturday 14 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
Meet the incredible, giant tortoise who has walked the earth for hundreds of years, and now she wants to share her time with you. Listen and learn... you can ask her anything and she’ll share her wisdom. She may even draw you a beautiful picture or give you her ‘tortograph’.
And what would the tortoise be without the hare? Join our acrobatic jumping stilts hare performer. And you never know there could be race.

Pree Hee men
Saturday 21 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
Take two potty cavemen and their beautifully themed crazy caveman car and mix it up with stone age music, sound effects and plenty of batty banter. The perfect recipe for the wackiest walkabout act in the land. Kids and grown-ups will especially love the prehistorical pet bird, Peep who accompanies the nutty Neanderthals on their adventures.

Saturday 28 August
11.30am - 3.30pm
We have an action packed day for you, where you can meet some of your favourite super heroes, or come along in your super heroes costume. Great photo opportunities for all the family and a Superheroes craft workshop will also take place at the urban beach


Sports Day
Saturday 7th August
10am – 3pm
Have a go on an enormous Scalextric or have some fun on the crazy golf but watch out for the ‘PE teachers’ parading the streets!

Random Acts of Entertainment
Saturday 14th August
10am – 3pm
Enjoy a full day of fun and frolics to put a smile on everyone's faces with an appearance from Titan the robot as well as the granny’s causing chaos with their shopping trolleys.

Urban Beach
Monday 16th – Monday 30th August
10am – 3pm
Spend the afternoon at Huyton’s first ever urban beach. Relax, build sandcastles with the family, and enjoy our beach themed entertainment.

Princesses and Superheroes
Saturday 21st August
10am – 3pm
Children will love this special day where they can meet a fire breathing dragon as well as their favourite princesses who will be performing some of your favourite songs from the screen and stage. Superhero fans will also have the chance to have their picture taken with the 1989 Batmobile and meet superheroes who will be filling the town with extraordinary powers.

Life's a Beach
Saturday 28th August
10am – 3pm
Come and join in with some seaside style fun complete with Punch & Judy, circus acts as well as a Spanish musical trio bringing a Mediterranean flavour to Knowsley.


Lee Cooper Foundation, Drop in Centre Age 11-24

May be an image of text that says "THE ECOOPER FOUNDATION #Let Let'sChat drop in center Thursday 29th July Age 11-24? Join us at our weekly drop in sessions EVERY Thursday 18:00- 20:00 at our Well-being Hub 10 Vicarage place, Prescot, L34 ILA -Weekly workshops specific to your -Film nights wants/needs -Game nights -Listening and Talking Therapy -Guest speakers -Mental Health Awareness Activities Arts & Crafts -Well-being programmes -Holistic Therapies Yoga and Mindfulness and more! Contact us for more information or visit"[0]=AZWO_HntyP_Yq2srbJ7886-0HBPSm1XObl3-5kgfO8iknvazepVjTDV17qvXZdz7F2nFDRJPZCjLEJGuURr2zUrjCdIYgzobo5zWgn6y3Y8OSYtniRzhuqGK6gx8U8qD7d21puM0qJjYgPy2mmuqagQLU9DO9o3bpRnEtTriJoAJAVYIKe0l_KlXmy6igfhqysMo66u4IIpBJYLgxHSjM2X9rrSp0LO7H_PTQapq_oSbPbG6utcTtFhP9G1PudF5SS8vLXga_gQeBT-3Yvb2StRd&__tn__=EH-y-R

Unwanted School Uniforms

May be an image of text that says "WE ARE COLLECTING UNWANTED SCHOOL UNIFORMS Instead of throwing away your uniforms away please donate to us so we can pass on to other families. Help the planet& your local community COLLECTING UNTIL 14TH AUGUST. DROP OFF POINTS BIG HELP COMMUNITY SHOP DOVECOT PARADE YEW TREE CHILDREN'S CENTRE STOCKBRIDGE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HUB. For further Info please contact Joanne.Kennedy@the-drive.or"

Free Childrens Activities over the summer in Stockbridge Village

No photo description available. 

I’m so sorry if you’ve signed up & I’ve not been in touch. I am trying to persuade the site to give me the details.

If you have signed up please message Annie  directly if your child has any allergies or access needs. Please also don’t hesitate to get in contact me I’d you have any questions - my number is 07872807955

The sessions will still be going ahead, you’re just saved from reminder emails or texts from me 😅

If you know anyone who has signed up please share this information with them. Thanks as always!

Party Bus in Stockbridge 13th August

May be an image of text that says "Sid ANTWIERE partybus24 and Come soin Sid the 0151 538 1214 Bus... Party Sid FFF5373 Wheel Bring The Party Το You!! Friday 13 August Parked in Hollowcroft sid, the soft play bus, is coming to Stockbridge as part of Play Streets. 15 children can join in with a 45 min play throughout the day. Booking is essential! Contact Annie to book on 07872807955 partybus2u Strictly Adults alowed on the bus except in an emengency. f”1 KNOWSLEY one Department 大公! KNOWSLEY for Education Knowsley Council ForHousing"

Knowsley News 2nd Aug

With Covid cases still at high levels in Knowsley, we’re encouraging residents to continue to ‘test, isolate and vaccinate’. There’s also a new campaign aimed at 18 – 29-year-olds reminding them to play their part by getting vaccinated. Currently only 48% of young people in this age group have had their first vaccination. We hope you will support us by sharing these messages among your followers.

From your Communities Team

Kirkby: Jacqui Meadows, 07811 849121,

Huyton: Pauline Coulton, 07919 211402,;

PWCKV & Halewood: Jeff Sayers, 078100 53826,; John Mashford, 07766367878,


This week on Knowsley News online

Knowsley’s young people urged to test, isolate and vaccinate in new campaign - Knowsley News

Knowsley Outbreak Management Board – 22 July 2021 - Knowsley News

New mental health service to provide financial advice - Knowsley News

Knowsley libraries are open! - Knowsley News

Free children’s activities return for the summer as part of Knowsley SNAP programme - Knowsley News

Where to get your COVID-19 vaccination - Knowsley News


Social media posts:

Where to get vaccinated

All over 18s are now eligible for their COVID-19 vaccine and there are plenty of clinics taking place across the Liverpool City Region. You don't need to get vaccinated in Knowsley, so find a clinic that is convenient for you. Find out more Where to get your COVID-19 vaccination - Knowsley News


Keep life moving

Heading out tonight? Don’t stop the dancing and keep life moving. It is only through vaccination, regular testing and isolating when positive that we can keep on doing the things we love! 🔬Get tested before you head out. 💊 Get both doses of your vaccine as soon as possible ❌Isolate if you have symptoms or test positive. Knowsley’s young people urged to test, isolate and vaccinate in new campaign - Knowsley News

When and where to get tested

Knowsley residents can still access assisted rapid testing at our Community Testing Centres across the borough. Please note the sites are now operating a new timetable so please check before you go: Reminder about when and where to get tested - Knowsley News


Coronavirus cases in Knowsley by ward


Other News

Community groups invited to apply for National Community Ownership Fund

The Community Ownership Fund is a national £150 million fund to support community groups across the UK to take ownership of assets which are at risk of being lost to the community. The fund will run for four years until 2024/25 and there will be at least 8 bidding rounds, with 13 August the deadline for submitting bids for the first round. For more information about the fund, eligibility and how to apply visit Community Ownership Fund: prospectus - GOV.UK (


Contact us

Community groups across the borough are invited to raise questions using this inbox. The Neighbourhood team will get back to you.

This line is available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. This is an answerphone but the message left will be passed on to an officer within one hour. For out of hours support after 5pm, at weekends or on a Bank Holiday, please contact: Public Health England North West Health Protection Team on 0151 434 4819


Stockbridge , Vax Bus Sunday 1st & 2nd Aug

Cheering megaphoneCalling all Stockbridge Village residents. Visit the vax bus this Sunday. 1st & 2nd Pfizer & AZ jabs. No appointment needed. Round pushpin The Withens, Stockbridge Village Calendar Sun 1 August Alarm clock 10am – 4pm Oncoming taxiNeed help with transport? Visit



It's been a tough time for everyone, and we know that the pandemic has resulted in some people drinking more and more often.

A new campaign – Lower My Drinking - has launched across Cheshire and Merseyside to help local people manage their drinking habits. This includes a new app which is free to download for anyone who lives or works in the area.

How it works

The app not only guides you to set your drinking goal, but helps you achieve it too.

It allows you to track progress, identify reasons to reduce your drinking as well as highlighting scenarios which could potentially tempt you to drink more and allow you plan how you will limit this.

As well as this, the app provides feedback and guidance, explaining side effects and the potential benefits of cutting down, including psychological, social, financial and physical.

It helps users create a plan which replaces drinking with positive activities that well help you feel good and with practical ideas including 'drink-free' days.

Lorna Smythe, 46, from St Helens knew she was drinking too much at the start of the first lockdown. The mum of four has made changes to her drinking habits and says she can't believe how good it feels. 

"This phone app is a godsend. So much easier to tap information into the drink diary wherever you are, rather than looking for pen and paper.  It's good to look back and reflect on your drinking habits and then you can try and improve them. You can challenge yourself to drink less the following week. People think they don't drink that much but when you actually start monitoring it a lot of people will realise how much they do drink! The scores may even shock you. Especially compared to the recommended limits. The information and support given by the app is invaluable."

To download the app visit Google Play or App Store. Get started today so you can get healthier and feel better!