Knowsley Libraries

Knowsley Libraries

Graphic with the words We're back!

Knowsley libraries are open!

Libraries across Knowsley are open and expanding the services available as national restrictions ease.

The shelves are bursting with great new fiction and top titles, and the service’s friendly staff are ready to welcome you to browse and borrow in branch.

There’s no longer a limit on the number of customers in the library at any one time, and furniture is starting to be put back for your use.

The Select and Collect service is still available and you can, of course, still order eBooks online.

You can also use the computers – by appointment to guarantee your spot, or on a drop-in basis subject to availability.

The Archive Service (ARK) is again open for visits by appointment .

The safety of customers and staff is paramount, and customers are kindly asked to:

  • Please wear a face covering if possible.
  • Please register for NHS Test and Trace on your way in, even though this is no longer a legal requirement
  • Please hand sanitise and use wipes.
  • Please issue and return your own loans through the self-service machines. Our friendly staff will be on hand to support anyone who needs help doing this. Don’t worry if you have any overdue items due to lockdown as all fines have been temporarily suspended.

Cllr Jayne Aston, Cabinet Member for Resources, said:

We are delighted to welcome customers back into Knowsley’s libraries and help you borrow books or provide free access to the libraries’ computers.


“Our Select and Collect service continues to be available, and don’t forget you can still access our eBooks and online family history resources from home.


“If you haven’t visited since our doors re-opened, please rest assured the safety of customers and staff is paramount.”

Here to help

You can continue to access many council services online to report issues, order items, or obtain information.

You can also speak to an Advisor on the council’s Online Chat or by telephone via the council’s Contact Centre.

Face-to-face customer service support is available for vulnerable residents in Knowsley.  In the first instance, customers should call the council’s Contact Centre to discuss their enquiry and a face-to-face appointment will then be made if necessary.  This service will be delivered across all five of the borough’s libraries.

Remembering Anthony Walker

Graphic says "No More Hate" with a hand emoji indicating 'stop'.

Remembering Anthony Walker

Today, Friday 30 July, marks 16 years since the death of Anthony Walker – a young man, whose life was cut tragically short due to an unprovoked and racially motivated attack in Huyton.

On the anniversary of his death, Knowsley Council and its partners reflect on Anthony’s life and their collective commitment to say ‘No More’ to hate.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods said:

“Sixteen years on I still feel great sadness at the loss of this young man. A man who clearly had so much to live for and so much to positively contribute to his community and to everyone around him.

“It is tragic to think that hatred and violence can have such a devastating impact on the lives of so many people. That’s why we continue to work hard with our communities and other partners to address issue of hate crime in all its forms.”

Last year Knowsley Council launched the No More campaign which seeks to use its power as a local authority to encourage positive change in Knowsley for its residents and communities. The campaign aims to raise understanding of what hate crime is and where and how it can be reported.

Alongside raising awareness and encouraging communities to support inclusivity and diversity, the Council also convenes regular monitoring meetings with a specific focus on hate crime and ways to identify and target issues. Partners including the Council, Merseyside Police, local housing associations, The Anthony Walker Foundation and others come together regularly to share their knowledge and experience, identify or tackle specific issues and develop long term strategies and plans to address key areas of concern.

Cllr Powell continues: “Key to us tackling hate crime is working with partners to address the issues and establish ways to best support those who experience and witness such incidents. By sharing specialist knowledge, we can build our understanding of hate crime and support residents and communities affected.

“We must and will continue to stand against hate and racism in all its forms.”

Since his untimely death, the Walker family set up The Anthony Walker Foundation which tackles racism, supports those experiencing hate crime and builds safer, stronger, thriving places to live.

The Foundation recently established the Speak Out! Stop Hate campaign and reporting tool: here people can report any incident of hate crime they experience or witness.

If it feels like the situation could get heated or violent very soon or if someone in immediate danger call 999 straight away.

You can report hate crime online or call 101.

If you’d prefer to speak to a police officer in person visit a police station, Merseyside Police can provide a safe and comfortable environment at any of our police stations.

Alternatively, if you don’t feel comfortable reporting it to the police you can report it to Stop Hate UK 0800 138 1625.

Reports can also be made and safety can be found at Merseyside Fire and Rescue stations across Knowsley and Merseyside

Stay safe in the sun

With temperatures continuing to rise in the coming days, make sure you keep yourself, and those around you, safe and well in the sun.

The Met Office has warned of very warm days and nights for most of this week, so Public Health experts in Knowsley are reminding us that the hot weather can be dangerous for the vulnerable, such as older people, young children and those with serious illnesses.

There are lots of things we can all do to keep ourselves – and those around us – safe during the hot weather:

  • Keep out of the sun between 11.00am and 3.00pm.
  • Wear at least factor 30 sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection and remember to apply 30 minutes before going out in the sun. Reapply every couple of hours.  Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Ensure all children wear a hat or head covering.
  • Ensure children wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes.
  • Ensure everyone has plenty of cold drinks to keep hydrated (avoiding caffeine, alcohol or sugary drinks).
  • It is advisable to eat cold foods, particularly washed salads and fruit with a high water content.
  • Keep the environment cool by keeping windows that are exposed to the sun closed or shaded – electric fans will help too and ensure a flow of air.
  • DO NOT use an electric fan if anyone in the home is unwell with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Ensure there are shaded areas in play areas.
  • Don’t leave babies and young children alone especially in cars or rooms which get very warm such as conservatories.
  • Monitor children and vulnerable adults with health conditions.
  • Ensure that medication is kept below 25C.
  • Take extra care when planning outdoor activities such as barbecues, which involve prolonged time spent outdoors as well as posing an additional fire risk.
  • Don’t jump into cold water (dams etc) to cool down. Extreme caution should be taken if entering, playing or swimming in open water.

In the meantime, if you are worried about what to do, either for yourself or somebody you know who you think might be at risk, telephone NHS 111 or visit your local chemist.

More information and advice can be found on the Met Office website.

FREE and exciting, family-friendly events throughout the summer.

Graphic promoting "Say hello to summer" events in Huyton, Kirkby and Prescot town centres

Knowsley, Say Hello to Summer

Knowsley’s three town centres will host a range of FREE and exciting, family-friendly events throughout the summer.

Superheroes, dinosaurs, carnivals and so much more will descend on Kirkby and Prescot Town Centres and Huyton Village Centre every Saturday for six weeks starting on 24 July.

Street entertainment, crazy golf and urban beaches will also be among the highlights for visitors to enjoy as Knowsley makes up for lost time following the disruptions of the pandemic.

Cllr Tony Brennan, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “After having to sacrifice so much during the pandemic it’s fantastic to see so many fun, free family events lined up for our town centres. There will be something for all ages and I do hope you can come along and join in the fun! Not only is this a fantastic way for people to enjoy the summer and make up for lost time but also gives our town centres and villages a boost to their recovery.”

The following events take place from Saturday 24 July:

Huyton Village Centre
(all between 10am and 3pm)

Carnival Day
Saturday 24 July
Carnival style event including balloon modellers, circus acts and a strolling band.

Dino Invasion
Saturday 31 July
Come and meet the baby dinosaurs, including a T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops.

Sports Day
Saturday 7 August
Have a go on an enormous Scalextric or have some fun on the crazy golf (open till 8pm) but watch out for the ‘PE teachers’ parading the streets!

Random Acts of Entertainment
Saturday 14 August
Enjoy a full day of fun and frolics including an appearance from Titan the robot.

Urban Beach
Monday 16 – Monday 30 August
Relax, build sandcastles with the family, and enjoy our beach themed entertainment.

Princesses and Superheroes
Saturday 21 August
Meet a fire breathing dragon as well as your favourite princesses performing some of your favourite songs from stage and screen. Superhero fans will also have the chance to have their picture taken with the 1989 Batmobile and meet superheroes who will be filling the town with extraordinary powers.

Life’s a Beach
Saturday 28 August

Come and join in with some seaside style fun complete with Punch & Judy, circus acts as well as a Spanish musical trio bringing a Mediterranean flavour to Knowsley.

Prescot Town Centre (all between 10am and 3pm)

Princesses and Superheroes
Saturday 24 July

Meet a fire breathing dragon as well as your favourite princesses performing some of your favourite songs from stage and screen. Superhero fans will also have the chance to have their picture taken with the 1989 Batmobile and meet superheroes who will be filling the town with extraordinary powers.

Carnival Fun
Saturday 31 July

Carnival style event including balloon modellers, circus acts and a strolling band.

Random Acts of Entertainment
Saturday 7 August

Enjoy a full day of fun and frolics including an appearance from Titan the robot.

The ‘Have a Go’ event
Saturday 14 August
Show us your talents and enjoy a range of workshops from country dancing and drama to crafting. If playing games is more your thing, have a go on the crazy golf course and our selection of giant games including Connect4, Snakes and Ladders, Jenga and much more.

Urban Beach
Monday 16 – Monday 30 August Open every day except Sunday

Life’s a Beach
Saturday 21 August

Come and join in with some seaside style fun complete with Punch & Judy, circus acts as well as a Spanish musical trio bringing a Mediterranean flavour to Knowsley.

Dino Invasion
Saturday 28 August

Come and meet the baby dinosaurs, including a T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops.

Kirkby Town Centre

Urban Summer Beach
Open every day (except Sundays) from Saturday 24 July –
 Saturday 28 August
10am – 4pm
The whole family can enjoy Kirkby’s urban beach. Every Tuesday from 11am – 4pm take part in craft activities and throughout the week enjoy much more including sandcastle competitions. Incredible street theatre acts will take place every Saturday.

Stilt Walking Butterflies
Saturday 24 July
11.30am – 3.30pm
Come and meet the the breath-taking butterflies as they share their staggeringly colourful display.

Sports Day and Titan the Robot
Saturday 31 July
11.30am – 3.30pm
‘PE teachers’, Mr Stretch and Mr Armstrong are on a mission to get the nation fit using only their enthusiasm, a roving musical pommel horse and some PE kits rescued from the lost and found locker. Visitors can also enjoy a unique show from Titan the Robot with a blend of comedy, street theatre and music.

Granny Turismos
Saturday 7 August
11.30am – 3.30pm

When Doris, Mary or Marge arrive on their souped-up shopping trolleys with their pumping tunes, everyone takes notice. Fantastic and unique, the Grannies are loud and a force to be reckoned with.

Mr Flower Gardener
Saturday 7 August
11.30am – 3.30pm

Come see Mr Flower Gardner, the mesmerising Contact Juggling ball juggler.

Pongo & Bill
Saturday 21 August
11.30am – 3.30pm
Join Pongo, the inquisitive, affectionate, adorable, cheeky and world’s only eight-foot, chocolate egg laying Obobee bird.

Giant Tortoise
Saturday 14 August
11.30am – 3.30pm
Meet the incredible, giant tortoise who has walked the earth for hundreds of years, and now she wants to share her time with you. And what would the tortoise be without the hare? Join our acrobatic jumping stilts hare performer. And you never know there could be race.

Pree Hee men
Saturday 21 August
11.30am – 3.30pm
Take two potty cavemen and their beautifully themed crazy caveman car and mix it up with stone age music, sound effects and plenty of batty banter. The perfect recipe for the wackiest walkabout act in the land.

Saturday 28 August
11.30am – 3.30pm
Meet your favourite super heroes, or come along in your super heroes costume. A Superheroes craft workshop will also take place at the urban beach.


The town centre events have been supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Liverpool City Region Mayoral Fund.

Free school meal vouchers

Free school meal vouchers to continue during summer holidays

Government-funded free school meal vouchers will continue to be provided to eligible families during the forthcoming summer holidays.

Children who are in receipt of means-tested free school meals will be provided with a supermarket voucher for each week of the summer holidays, after the Government confirmed funding would be made available.

The vouchers have been funded by the Covid Support Grant and supplemented by the Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund to ensure every eligible child in the borough will have access to a healthy, nutritious meal every day throughout the school break.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, said: “This news will be welcomed by families in Knowsley who may otherwise have struggled during the summer holidays. We are unsure whether the Government will continue to fund free school meal vouchers beyond this summer so we will just have to wait on further updates to hear what measures will be put in place in the future to support those most in need.”

Cllr Margaret Harvey, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “I’m delighted that every child in the borough will have access to healthy, nutritious meals throughout the summer holidays. By supplementing the Government funding with the Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund the Council has ensured no child will go without this summer. Whatever the Government decides to do in the future the Council will continue to look at ways to support our most deprived residents.”

Eligible children and young people in Knowsley will also be able to access free, fun activities this summer as part of the HAF

Summer fun for all at Kirkby Gallery with the Random Crafts Club



Summer fun for all at Kirkby Gallery with the Random Crafts Club

July 7, 2021

Between 26 July and 27 August, Kirkby Gallery is running the ‘Random Crafts Club’, a COVID-secure craft area for children and young people to get creative. Each family or bubble will be provided with their own special table or ‘pod’ area to work in and will be given a craft bag containing all the materials needed for a free, fun make-and-take activity.

The drop-in sessions take place at the gallery on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays between 10am & 3pm throughout the summer holidays and whilst there’s no need to book, the gallery team advise that you may have to wait during busier times.

Throughout the summer holidays there will be the opportunity to have a go at different craft and creative techniques using fabrics and paper that have been donated to the gallery from Oliver Steer Interior Design, and the gallery’s friendly staff and volunteers will help you create something amazing to take home with you.

Whilst masks aren’t compulsory, for COVID safety you are encouraged to wear one when visiting the gallery. A one-way system is in operation at the gallery and hand sanitiser is provided. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

Kirkby Gallery and Random Crafts Club dates and times may be subject to change in case of further Government announcements regarding COVID restrictions. Please check their websiteTwitter or Facebook pages before you visit.

Kirkby Gallery is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, 10am – 4pm. Current opening times at Kirkby Gallery are subject to changing COVID-19 guidance. The gallery is located at The Kirkby Centre, Norwich Way, Kirkby, L32 8XY. For further information contact 0151 443 4936.

Pop Up Storytelling event at Knowsley Recreation Ground


KNOWSLEY BUILDS UP TO BOROUGH OF CULTURE in 2022 Knowsley will become Liverpool City Region’s Borough of Culture in 2022. 

To build up to this celebratory year, there will be a series of pop up outdoor Storytelling events taking place in all Towns and Villages in Knowsley to celebrate their area and to collect stories to help ideas form part of a staged event in 2022.  

A very successful Pop Up Storytelling event took place on Thursday 15th July at Knowsley Recreation Ground, Knowsley Village

The two activities took place:

Join Writing on the Wall and Flood Theatre for a day of utter NONSENSE! (Poetry that is …).  Inspired by Edward Lear’s poems.  This workshop looked at how we can bring our own words to life, create our very own nonsense poems, and use our imaginations to bring our curious stories to life with sound, words and movement!

Join visual artist Nanya  stimulates ideas for storytelling and helped to create your very own pussycat puppet with moving parts and decorate your own flamboyant owl mask!

Members of the Community where invited to take part in the event at the following times 12 pm to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm.

Due to the  restrictions at the time, only 30 people at a time were allowed at the event, 


Communities Coming Together , Newsletter

Issue 23

While the announcement this week about the lifting of Covid restrictions from 19 July shifts the emphasis towards taking personal responsibility for our welfare, we are still advising Knowsley residents to remain cautious due to the continued rise of COVID cases in the Borough. The COVID vaccination offers us the best protection against the virus so we would be grateful if you could share our messages about the many vaccination opportunities in the borough among your followers.

This newsletter also includes some useful information about a funding opportunity for community groups whose activities support men’s mental health. There’s a round-up of events over the Summer and an invitation to apply for free tree saplings as part of the ‘Plant a tree for the Jubilee’ tree planting initiative.

From your Communities Team

Kirkby: Jacqui Meadows, 07811 849121,

Huyton: Pauline Coulton, 07919 211402,;

PWCKV & Halewood: Jeff Sayers, 078100 53826,; John Mashford, 07766367878,


This week on Knowsley News online

The vaccine bus is visiting Knowsley – no appointment needed! - Knowsley News

Free transport to help you get vaccinated - Knowsley News

Step 4 of the roadmap to progress on 19 July but residents encouraged to be cautious - Knowsley News

Clinically extremely vulnerable people urged to take extra precautions - Knowsley News

Residents to benefit from Hardship Fund over the summer - Knowsley News

Knowsley’s Outbreak Management Board Update: 8 July 2021 - Knowsley News

Knowsley, Say Hello to Summer - Knowsley News

£5,000 men’s mental health grants for community groups - Knowsley News

Invitation to Plant a Tree for the Jubilee - Knowsley News


Social media posts:

Vaccination clinic

Drop-in vaccination clinics will be taking place this weekend in Kirkby and Huyton, from 10am-5pm. There is also a transport offer for people who are struggling to make their way to a drop-in clinic or vaccination appointment.

📍Huyton One Stop Shop and Kirkby One Stop Shop               📅 Saturday 17, Sunday 18 July

⏰ 10am - 5pm       More information

Get vaccinated

Throughout this week, lots of walk-in vaccination clinics are taking place – no appointment is needed. The vaccine offers you the best protection against the virus so if you’re 18 or over, just call in to one of the clinics.

Need help getting to a vaccination clinic?

If you’re having problems getting to a vaccination clinic, we can help. Bus vouchers and taxi appointments are available until 31 August to help you to get a clinic and get vaccinated.

Vaccine bus visits Knowsley

The vaccine bus will be touring Knowsley over the coming weeks offering vaccines to over 18s. No appointment is needed – just walk on to the bus.

Step 4 of the roadmap to recovery

The Prime Minister has confirmed that we will progress to Step 4 of the roadmap to recovery from 19 July, but we still need to remain cautious and take personal responsibility – get vaccinated, continue to wear face coverings in crowded places and self-isolate where required. The virus is still circulating in our communities.

Guidance for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable

Ahead of 19 July when all restrictions will be lifted, guidance has been issued for Extremely Clinically Vulnerable residents, encouraging them to consider extra precautions to protect themselves. This includes getting vaccinated, consider who they meet with, continue with online shopping and wearing face coverings in crowded places.


Coronavirus cases in Knowsley by ward


Other news

Street painting event comes to Huyton

Community groups are invited to take part in an exciting, pop up street painting event in Huyton Village 11am to 4pm on Thursday 29 July.  The event aims to encourage local people to tell their stories in in the creative art of street painting in the lead up to Knowsley’s year as Liverpool City Region’s Borough of Culture in 2022. 

Participants will get the chance to take part in chalking the pavement and creating floor art designs with renowned pavement artists Urban Canvas. In addition, the public will be encouraged to post pictures and videos on the day on Instagram with the hashtag #FutureHuyton.  We hope people will repost pictures from the event and tag the DigitalPlacemakers account ( to increase the online visibility and the town itself.  Any groups wishing to get involved with the event are asked to contact

Grants available for community projects supporting men’s mental health and wellbeing

Community based organisations can bid for up to £5,000 funding for projects which improve men’s mental health and wellbeing. Projects should have a particular focus on middle-aged men (aged 40-60).

Applications are welcomed from groups/organisations where proposals demonstrate how they will meet all of the following criteria: * Contribute towards a reduction in attempted and completed suicides in men   * Enable men to identify their own thoughts and behaviours which may lead to a worsening mental health problem in either themselves or others and know how to manage this   * Support men to feel capable and confident to talk about mental health.   * Involve men who have ‘lived experience of mental health problems’ in the co-production of the proposed activities.  *Provide men with the information and encouragement to access NHS services and/or get help in a crisis.   * Involve a significant proportion of middle-aged men in the proposed activities.

An application pack can be downloaded from Public health | Knowsley Council.  Deadline for receipt of applications is 5 pm Friday 23 July.

Please contact for further information.


Contact us

Community groups across the borough are invited to raise questions using this inbox. The Neighbourhood team will get back to you.

For general queries and advice on managing a potential outbreak please contact: 0151 443 4712 or *email

This line is available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. This is an answerphone but the message left will be passed on to an officer within one hour. For out of hours support after 5pm, at weekends or on a Bank Holiday, please contact: Public Health England North West Health Protection Team on 0151 434 4819

Please Note* The SPOC email contact is not for use by the general public. It is primarily for workplaces, community centres and community groups across the borough.




Road safety

Road safety: top tips for families with children starting secondary school in September


As Year 6 children in Knowsley schools prepare to move to secondary school, the council’s Road Safety Team is providing advice and guidance for safe, independent travel.

The start of secondary school is often the time when children gain a lot more independence and are more likely to start travelling to school on their own for the first time.

To make sure pupils are properly prepared for this new-found freedom and responsibility, families are being urged to read the guide – ‘Moving Up’ – with their children before the start of the new term.

With lots of useful information on potential risks, how you can help, top tips for different modes of transport plus a helpful checklist for safe travel – it’s a must read for anyone with children starting secondary school in September.

Cllr Tony Brennan, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, said:

“Knowsley’s Road Safety Team spend a lot of time working closely with schools and working with primary pupils, particularly those in Year 6 who are soon to make the transition to secondary school.


“This guide for parents and carers is a really useful way to share those important road safety messages.


“Given the shocking statistics that pupils in Years 7 to 9 are three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in road traffic collisions than those in Years 4 to 6, we’re urging all families with children in Year 6 to read the Moving Up guide to help prepare their child for safe and independent travel.”

The Road Safety team is delivering a copy of the guide, as well as a pedestrian distraction booklet, to every pupil in Year 6.  An online version of the guide will also be made available to parents across the region via the Merseyside Road Safety Partnership.


England will move to the next step of the roadmap

From today, England will move to the next step of the roadmap. Everyone should be cautious while managing the risks as cases of #COVID19 remain high.

Find out more: ▶️


Knowsley Town Council would still recommend the continued use of face covering in all our buildings to safeguard our User Groups and staff.

Thank you