Coronavirus COVID-19 Community Support and Volunteer Line: 0800 073 0043

Coronavirus COVID-19 Community Support and Volunteer Line: 0800 073 0043

Coronavirus COVID-19 Community Support and Volunteer Line: 0800 073 0043


Who To Contact

Coronavirus COVID-19 Community Hub

Telephone: 0800 073 0043

Do you need extra help during the Coronavirus outbreak - or do you want to offer a helping hand?

A new Community Support and Volunteer Line has been created for Knowsley residents needing additional support during the outbreak and for those wanting to volunteer their time or services to help those in need in their local community.


This helpline is available for:

  • residents that may need additional support during the outbreak, such as vulnerable residents accessing food supplies.
  • those facing financial hardship
  • local businesses seeking advice or the latest Government information - Knowsley Council's Business Support team can help, you can find information and contact details for Knowsley businesses on our Coronavirus information page under 'Businesses'.
  • local businesses urgently seeking additional staff recruitment and residents looking for work - you can also contact Knowsley Works
  • those wanting to volunteer their time and services to help those in need in their local community.

This move is yet another example of the Knowsley Better Together initiative which sees the council working in partnership with residents, businesses, partners and the voluntary sector - to make a lasting difference in the community.

There are two ways to do this: call the helpline or fill in an online form.

Call the helpline

Anyone needing support can call free phone 0800 073 0043

The same number can be used by local businesses or organisations offering support and would-be volunteers.

Callers will be asked for details and will either be signposted to the relevant support, or be linked with a service or volunteer who can offer support.

Opening hours

Opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm

Fill in an online form

There are also online forms which can be completed by both those requesting help and those seeking volunteering opportunities:

For the latest information about the virus and advice to the public please visit Coronavirus information on Knowsley News.

New FREE Course starting July 2021

Family And Community Education (FACE)

New FREE Course starting July 2021

For all course information and to book onto your chosen course log onto the website: *

*Note: if you are an existing learner or a learner from a previous year, please call Ange Powell on 07870 884266 to set up a web account for you. You will be advised if this applies to you when you enter your details on the website.

Courses, times, and venues are subject to change and/or cancellation due to minimum numbers. All courses are being delivered remotely unless otherwise stated.

For more information and photos follow Family And Community Education (FACE) on social media at:

Facebook: KnowsleyFACE Twitter: @Faceknowsley Instagram: knowsleyface


 Beauty Introduction

Manicure including Shellac, pedicure and reflexology points, facials, and eye treatments

Wednesday 18:00 – 21:30 3 7 July 2021 Remote using Zoom Jackie Croft

Lead Education Officer

07825 677131


Knowsley Town Council owns the Bob Whiley Community Centre situated in Knowsley Village.  The premises have recently been refurbished and are now available for local groups to hire during the daytime hours including weekends.  We offer value for money hire charges with free or concessionary use for up to three months for any new groups that wish to make use of the premises.  The building comprises two large rooms for hire, one with mirrors and a large kitchen area. We can cater for large and small groups.  There is a small car park adjacent to the building.  We are open from 9 am every day.

If you are interested in booking the premises for meetings or for any other activity, contact the Town Council on 0151 548 4545 or email: or


Knowsley Town Council owns the Community Pavilion situated in Pool Hey, Stockbridge Village.  The premises have recently been refurbished and are now available for local groups to hire during the daytime hours including weekends.  We offer value for money hire charges with free or concessionary use for up to three months for any new groups that wish to make use of the premises.  The building comprises a large main hall, two medium rooms and one small room with onsite car parking.  We can cater for large and small groups.  We are open from 9 am every day.

If you are interested in booking the premises for meetings or for any other activity, contact the Town Council on 0151 548 4545 or email: or


Stockbridge Village ForHousing office will open as an alternative education facility

From September, the Stockbridge Village ForHousing office will open as an alternative education facility for school age children who have found difficulties attending mainstream education.
But don’t worry, you can still meet face to face with a member of the ForHousing team!
You can book an appointment at times and in places to suit you – either in your home, within the community or via video chat. Click here to book
When the restrictions on face to face contact are lifted, we will be bringing back the facility to drop in and see the local ForHousing team at an accessible and convenient location.
We’ll be available at the Community Hub - next to Subway - between 9am and 12 noon each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
When the restrictions on face to face contact have been lifted, we'll let you know the date for the first session as soon as possible.
Work will begin over the summer to transform the office into a space that will have a very positive impact on the lives of young Knowsley residents.
Watch this space!

ForHousing Stockbridge Village

We offer lots of advice and support about rent payments, enabling you to always put your rent, and wellbeing first. For more information visit: photo description available.

The Grub Hub, Hillside

May be an image of text that says 'Our Meal Deals at the Grub Hub tomorrow £3.. Supporting Families... You couldn't buy this anywhere for this price..Beautiful fresh sourced local produce. Choice of 6 different meals Pork Steak Dinner, Chicken Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken Roast dinner, Scouse, Chicken Curry Rice.... funded through MBC winter Warm project... Our Grub Hub Community Larder opens 9.30 am Tuesday and Wednesday.. Working together with Big Help Project Fareshare, Tesco Prescot... Kmbc.. Providing nourishing foods at a fraction of the price Supporting Families... Supporting vulnerable people, Supporting our Community'May be an image of fruit and text that says 'THE GRUB HILLSIDE COMMUNITY LARDER Like Comment Share Fabulous Fresh Yummy MEAL DEALS only £3 Sourcing the finest Freshest Produce Every Week at our Grub Hub Supporting Families'

New 24/7 mental health text support service for Knowsley

Graphic with the words worried, overwhelmed, sad, lonely, angry and panicked

SHOUT is a new free, confidential text messaging service for anyone struggling with their mental health who lives or works in Knowsley.

By texting the word ‘REACH’ to 85258 you will start a conversation with a trained volunteer.

Your volunteer will introduce themselves and ask you to share a bit about what’s on your mind.

You can share anything that might be troubling you, such as feeling anxious, relationship problems, bullying, addiction, self-harm, depression or suicide.

The trained volunteer will text you back and forth, and you only share what you feel comfortable with.

The goal of the conversation is to help you reach a calm and safe place with a plan of how to support yourself going forward.

symptomatic testing at pop sites in Shevington and Northwood next week.

Pop up testing for people showing COVID-19 symptoms in Kirkby

Due to rising cases of COVID-19 in the area, Kirkby residents will be able to access symptomatic testing at pop sites in Shevington and Northwood next week.

The additional Mobile Testing Units, providing tests will be located in:

  • Eddie McArdle community playing fields in Northwood on Monday 28 June from 10am-3pm
  • St Andrews Church St Andrews Church / The Star Children’s Centre on Shevington Lane, Kirkby, on Tuesday 29 June from 10am-3pm

The Mobile Testing Unit will offer COVID-19 testing to residents who are:

  • Showing symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms include a high temperature, new or persistent cough or a loss of taste or smell
  • Generally feeling unwell such as experiencing headaches, a sore throat or runny nose
  • Have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive
  • Has been in close contact with someone who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

Please note: the site is operating as a walk-in testing site, with limited parking available at each site. Please where possible walk to the testing unit and book an appointment Booking an appointment



Buddyboost is launching on 1 July to help workers in Knowsley to take the first step in feeling the benefits of being more active.  Anybody can join in with the challenge - it doesn't matter how old you are or how unfit you might feel - and you don't have to join a gym!

The Knowsley buddyboost challenge is encouraging council employees and those in organisations and companies across the borough to do just 26 minutes of activity a day for 26 days in a row, starting on the 1st July.  It doesn't matter how far or fast you go – you could do walking, jogging, yoga, swimming, online classes – it all counts! 

However – you don't have to do this challenge alone – the buddyboost app allows you to buddy up with up to five other people so that you can support each other across the finish line.  In fact, people who have used the app before do 40% more activity if they are in a buddy group than those who do it alone.  Once you complete your daily activity, you log it via the buddyboost app and this then nudges your buddy group to encourage them to do the same each day too.

If you're wondering why 26 minutes, most people are able to build in 26 minutes of activity into their day, which all adds up to the 150 minutes of weekly activity as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer.

You don't even have to do it all in one go either, as you can pause the countdown timer on the app and start again when you're ready.

The campaign is being promoted through workplaces, as we can spend up to 60% of our waking week at work and often it is when we are least active - such as sitting down at a desk or driving all day.  A lot of people have also been less active whilst working from home over the last 15 months since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Robert Tansey, co-founder of the buddyboost challenge said, "Taking part in the buddyboost challenge with a group of colleagues from your workplace can be a great way to increase your energy, feel less stressed and boost your confidence.  You can use the app to share your progress and photos, including the ups, the downs and the buzz that comes with completing the challenge."

Sarah McNulty, Director of Public Health for Knowsley Council, said, "Being more active is something that can help us all to feel good, both mentally and physically.  This challenge is designed to help people on their way to living a more active lifestyle.  We are actively encouraging Knowsley based workplaces to get involved in the challenge, particularly due to the impacts of lockdowns, which has resulted in an increase in sedentary behaviour and isolation.  Now that restrictions are lifting, there's no better time to support our workforce to gain the benefits joining in and being active."

Join employees from across Knowsley by downloading the free buddyboost app on your phone today and select the Knowsley challenge (or enter organisation code SUMMER26) – visit or download via your app store.

 We've complied a handy FAQ guide which should answer any questions you may have about the Knowsley buddyboost challenge.