Pop up testing sites advice sites heading to Kirkby and Huyton

Pop up testing sites advice sites heading to Kirkby and Huyton


Knowsley residents will be able to pick up testing kits and get advice on regular COVID-19 home testing at our pop-up sites this week.

The team will be on hand to provide anybody who comes along with home testing kits and demonstrate how you use them and record your results.

Any residents who are having trouble recording their results are also invited to visit the pop-up site where the team will be on hand to guide through the process. It is really important that anyone using home testing kits records their results, regardless of if they are positive, negative or void.

It has never been more important to regularly test for COVID-19. This week the infection rate in Knowsley rose to over 100 per 100,000 for the first time since lockdown. The emergence of the Delta variant (which is 60% transmissible, including in indoor settings), and the easing of lockdown restrictions are the main drivers behind the increasing number of cases.

With more and more of us socialising and enjoying the easing of restrictions it is vital that we all do our bit to stop COVID-19 spreading.

1 in 3 people who have COVID-19 will not experience any symptoms. However, they could still unknowingly pass the virus on to others.  Regularly testing for coronavirus is the best way for us to identify cases of the virus and stop the spread through isolation.

The pop sites will be at:

St Andrews Church, Tower Hill, 6 St Andrews View, L33 1ZF on Wednesday 23 June from 12pm-4pm


Opposite the Harold Wilson Statue, Corner of Huyton Hey Road and Derby Road, Huyton Village on  Friday 25 June from 12pm – 4pm

The pop sites will only be providing testing kits for those who DO NOT have symptoms of COVID-19. If you have any of the COVID symptoms (high temperature, new or persistent cough or a loss of taste or smell), stay at home and book a test through www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or ring 119. There are 3 testing sites in Knowsley for people displaying symptoms (in Huyton, Kirkby and Stockbridge Village) and you will be offered the first available appointment at a test centre. Please note, you need an appointment to attend these testing sites.


Carers play a vital role helping partners, relatives, and friends to remain living in the community and never has this been so dramatically illustrated as over the past twelve months during the Covid-19 outbreak. To properly support the cared for person it is essential that we offer carers appropriate support too. Carers are often the ones juggling all the various aspects of the cared for persons' wellbeing and without them there would be significant gaps in the care plan.

It is hoped that all staff will be sufficiently carer aware to identify and signpost/refer carers to appropriate carer support services such as Knowsley Carers Centre and the Alzheimer's Society but there are many competing agendas for people working in health and social care and we find that having a carers champion or carer link can help to keep up the momentum.

Carers Champions can;

  • Keep carers on the agenda in their teams and promote referral to appropriate services.
  • Provide a link with Knowsley Carers Centre and other agencies to keep the team informed about carers services.
  • Promote carer awareness training for all staff and regular team briefings.
  • Help ensure that information about carers services held in the team is relevant and up to date.
  • Inspire colleagues to work in partnership with carers. Carers are part of the health and social care team around the cared for person.
  • Attend Carers Champion meetings to aid facilitation of all the above.
  • Knowsley Carers Centre will deliver training for staff who wish to take on the role of Carers Champion and will continue to work in partnership with teams to ensure that carers receive the support they need.

For more information contact Jan Box at Knowsley Carers Centre call 0151 549 1412 or email janbox@knowsleycarers.co.uk

Monday 22nd June marks Windrush Day

Seventy three years ago today, on 22 June 1948, the Empire Windrush had arrived at the Port of Tilbury in Essex, carrying hundreds of people from the Caribbean, a milestone in the making of modern multicultural Britain. Our homepage image shows a group of men reading the headlines about their arrival on board the ship, which had docked the previous day. The ship had stopped in Kingston, Jamaica, to pick up servicemen who were on leave. But as it was not full, an advertisement was placed in a local newspaper, offering to transport anyone who wanted to seek work in Britain.

Among the 1,027 passengers were 802 from Caribbean countries, including some who had served in the British armed forces. Some came looking for work, others just to see the country. Despite facing racial prejudice and unequal treatment, the majority ended up staying and would become the first of the Windrush generation - the people who arrived in the UK from Caribbean countries between 1948 and 1971.

Campaigner Patrick Vernon began the call for Britain to mark 22 June in 2013, and stepped it up in 2018 during the Windrush scandal, when changes to immigration laws led to many of the Windrush generation being wrongly told they were here illegally. The UK government gave the campaign its backing that year, 70 years after the Empire Windrush arrived in Essex.

New housing service for Knowsley

Knowsley Housing Options will become ‘Knowsley Housing Solutions’ from Tuesday 1 June 2021.

The current service manages housing issues such as homelessness and housing advice within the borough.

The service has been outsourced for a number of years, however from 1 June 2021 the service will be brought ‘in-house’ to become a Knowsley Council delivered service.  This change is aimed at continuing to deliver a high quality service and to help realise service improvements which will benefit Knowsley residents.

The principal change that partners and residents will notice is the way in which the service is contacted.  From 1 June 2021 the service will be contactable on 0151 443 2333 and further information will be available on www.knowsley.gov.uk/residents/housing/homelessness-housing-advice

Until the 1 June 2021 the service can be contacted in the usual way with information available on the www.knowsleyhousingoptions.org

Residents seeking advice and assistance will also be guided to complete an online form.  Where residents need help completing the form assistance will be given.  This change is aimed at ensuring the Housing Solutions Service have all the appropriate information prior to undertaking an assessment and to help them respond with the most appropriate advice.

Children asked to share their experiences of the pandemic in “The Big Ask”

Children asked to share their experiences of the pandemic in “The Big Ask”


The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has launched the largest survey of children ever attempted – “The Big Ask” – asking for children’s experiences of the pandemic and their hopes and concerns for the future.

The survey results will feed into the Children’s Commission later this year, along with expert advice and focus groups with specialist children’s advocates.

The survey is still online here  https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/thebigask/ and the closing date to share your views is Friday 28 May.

Children aged from 4-17 years are encouraged to have their say and ensure their voices are represented.

There’s also an adult survey if you’re aged over 18 and are a care leaver, a parent or you work with children.

Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund provides a lifeline

Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund provides a lifeline

Just a few weeks ago, Knowsley Council announced the launched of its £2.5m Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund, aiming to support residents who need it the most by ensuring they get the right support at the right time. The fund supports residents with access to essentials such as food, heating, housing and employment and debt advice.

We followed up with a resident to see how the fund has supported them and what impact it has had on their life.

The resident’s partner is self-employed and unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions, their income significantly fluctuated and they received little Government help due to not meeting the Government’s eligibility criteria. In addition, their benefits were capped and with five children to support, the last year has been extremely challenging.

The resident sought the advice and support of the Council’s Money Advisor around housing support and managing their bills and are now in receipt of a Discretionary Housing Payment.

The resident said “I seriously thought ‘What am I going to do?’ We had little or no income coming in, our benefits were capped and we had bills to pay.

“The Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund has made a massive difference to our lives.  It was a lifeline when we really needed it. With Government criteria being so strict in order to access business support schemes, we wasn’t eligible and we found ourselves in a position where we were unable to work due to lockdown rules.

“I spoke to Eric, the Money Advisor, who was amazing and so helpful. He instantly knew what support I could access and put the wheels in motion for me to receive a Discretionary Housing Payment from the Council to meet my housing costs.

“It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

“I’d say to anyone who is in my position and feeling anxious and worried about their circumstances that help and support is available. You are not alone and the first step you need to take is admitting that you need help and ask for it. Help and support is available to stop issues escalating into bigger issues.”

Cllr Jayne Aston, Cabinet Member for Resources, added “We have listened to our communities and know the struggles and pressures they have been under over the last year. That is why we created the Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund, tailoring support to meet their needs, when they need it. I’m delighted to hear about the different this fund has made and the positive impact it has had on our residents.”

The Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund supports residents with:-

  • Food and essentials will be distributed through the Borough’s community and voluntary organisations.
  • Funding has been allocated to support Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service’s Winter Warmth and Safe Heating schemes, enabling a further 400 oil filled radiators to replace unsafe heating sources and provide effective single-room heating for vulnerable residents. As part of this scheme, older people and homeless people will receive a ‘warm and well pack’ on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and referred cases will also receive a ‘safe and well’ visit from a dedicated Prevention Team who will review or fit smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • The Council’s Strategic Housing Service will also provide emergency boiler and central heating repairs for eligible residents (including those on benefits and low income).
  • Residents who are moving from temporary accommodation into permanent accommodation will be offered a fuel voucher to support them through the winter period.
  • The Council’s fuel bank offer to residents will be maintained which contributes £49 in the Winter and £30 in the Summer towards residents’ heating costs.
  • Children’s Services will also be able to support vulnerable families and improve home conditions and provide support around utility or personal needs, helping them to maintain tenancies.
  • More personal financial advice will be available through additional welfare benefit caseworker posts created in the community and voluntary sector.
  • An additional Money Advisor role will be created within the Council offering specialist support to residents who apply to the Council for financial assistance.
  • Specialist financial support for residents with mental health needs will be provided working with the community sector and health partners.
  • Funding will also be allocated to support Council Tax debt targeted families around debt management.
  • The Council’s Emergency Support Scheme will also continue to offer residents short-term assistance in relation to food, fuel and furniture.
  • Fuel vouchers, the provision of warmth packs (which will include duvets, blankets and clothing), hygiene packs, Christmas food parcels and clothes vouchers will also be available from registered providers.
  • People who are privately renting and have fallen behind with their rent will also be able to access support, ensuring they do not risk becoming homeless.
  • Support will also be provided to residents in receipt of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit through the Discretionary Housing Payment Scheme.
  • Residents who have been long-term unemployed but supported into employment will receive support through the Knowsley Works team with the offer of a ‘bridging payment’ until they receive their first wage.

Residents are referred to the Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund through partner agencies as well as the Council’s own Benefits service. Organisations across the Borough are currently working with vulnerable families, so know where and what support is needed within our communities. You can find useful information around Financial advice and supportBenefits and Emergency Support Scheme.

The fund is available until 31 March 2022.

New Prescot artwork to welcome, celebrate and inspire










Three new vibrant pieces of public art have been installed in Prescot to provide a warm and inspiring welcome to the town. The eye-catching installations are positioned on roundabouts at key gateway positions leading into and out of the town.

The artwork is part of the wider connectivity strategy for the town which saw bespoke inner gateway signs installed late 2020 and a family of new wayfinding signage installed across the town centre in early 2021.

This comprehensive wayfinding scheme is being implemented ahead of the opening of The Shakespeare North Playhouse in 2022, when thousands of new visitors are expected to visit the town every year. It is a key part of the council’s overall ambition to transform the town centre, making it an even more attractive and welcoming place for local residents and visitors.

The artwork is funded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Local Growth Fund. Local Growth Funding is awarded to the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and invested through the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Strategic Investment Fund.

Artist, Martin Herron designed the artwork following extensive consultation with the local community. Two local primary schools have been involved, along with residents of The Watch Factory and a number of local community organisations. Discussions and presentations were held in public venues and community groups at Byer Road Community Centre, drop-ins at Prescot Library and public meetings in town centre cafes, pubs and restaurants during 2019.

Martin said:

“The Prescotians are great people and this has been one of my favourite projects for community involvement. I met so many fantastic folk of all ages and abilities, from school children and young people to the older generation, to share thoughts and ideas as to what the artworks could be.

It was great to have a blank canvas and the community had so many ideas and it was the main themes around the town’s rich heritage that were developed to create the final concepts.

I’ve worked in many places and communities to develop artworks that become part of that town, village and city. The warm welcome that I received when I came to Prescot and the way people got involved and shaped their artworks will stay with me forever. Such pride, such ambition and such optimism for the regeneration of their town. As well as feeding into the design of the artworks themselves, people spoke about wanting them to be bigger to have a really positive impact at the important gateways to Prescot.”

There were key themes that emerged from the consultation, particularly Prescot’s rich industrial heritage, a strong sense of community and history.

Key aspects centre around Prescot’s industrial and craftmanship past, including watch and clock making, tool making, local coal mining, pottery, and the well-known British Insulated Wire Company / British Insulated Callander’s Cables (BICC) to name but a few.

And of course, Shakespeare and the crafting of stories plays a strong role from Edward Lear and his time at Knowsley Hall, to the Earls of Derby’s connections to Shakespeare which sets the scene for the new Shakespeare North Playhouse being built in the town today.

Colour is used extensively throughout the works, influenced by the wiring and the colours of the protective coatings used both historically and in the modern day. These colours are echoed throughout each gateway site. The aim of all the artworks is to welcome, to celebrate, to illustrate and to inspire.

The final artworks will reflect the heritage, the stories and importance of Prescot on the world stage.

Cllr Tony Brennan, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development said: This is just another fantastic milestone in the regeneration of Prescot town centre and its readiness to welcome visitors from across the world. I’d like to thank everyone who took time to share their thoughts and ideas for these installations through community workshops and drop-ins. They should feel enormous pride that they have helped to create something which will stand in this town for many, many years to come.

Mariangela Hankinson, who took part in the design process on behalf of the Community Curators group said: “It’s amazing to see these works of art come to life. Being involved in the design process with so many other members of te community means that I feel a real sense of pride and ownership in these works. Martin really listened to us in terms of what we felt was important about our town and how we wanted that to be represented. I’m delighted that they are finally here and I can tell my friends and family for years to come that I played a part in making them!”

Where can you see the artworks?

At the Liverpool Road / M57 roundabout the artwork will set the stage to announce a vibrant and creative Prescot to visitors. It will include a watch design based on work produced at The Watch Factory.

At the A57 Liverpool Rd / M57/ Kings Drive roundabout a larger than life cable will protrude from the ground, the explosion of colour displaying a dramatic welcome to Prescot and the start – or end of – an exciting trip to Prescot.

At the A58/ St Helens Road roundabout there will be a stack of colourful cable reels representing the cultural and industrial heritage of Prescot

Men’s Health Week: Let’s all talk for better mental health

Over the past year the Covid-19 pandemic has challenged people in ways they would never have expected and many of us have felt a decline in our mental health and wellbeing, which is why mental health will be the focus for Men’s Health Week, 14 to 21 June.

Even before the pandemic, men’s mental health was a cause for concern, and after the year we’ve had the awareness campaign, which runs every year just before Father’s Day, is encouraging men to look after their mental health by talking to friends, family and those they most trust.

With further lockdown restrictions set to be lifted you may have questions, concerns and anxieties about returning to ‘normal’ life, it’s important to know that you’re not alone and to reach out to someone close to you to talk through how you’re feeling.

Will you join the CAN DO Challenge?

Of course, better mental health and wellbeing doesn’t only come from talking. The charity behind Men’s Health Week, the Men’s Health Forum, is asking as many people as possible to try the CAN DO Challenge to boost their mental wellbeing.

The five ways to wellbeing are five things we can all do that are scientifically-proven to help us feel better.

As there are five working days in the week the new CAN DO challenge asks everyone to try each of the five ways to wellbeing over the course of Men’s Health Week.

Every day, a different way

The five ways are:

  • Connect – connect with other people (eg. call an old friend you haven’t spoken too/with since before lockdown) #connectmonday
  • (Be) Active – move your body (eg. go for a run/walk/swim/gardening) #activetuesday
  • Notice – take notice of the environment around you (eg. turn off your phone for an hour or /have a break from social media) #noticewednesday
  • Discover – learn something new (eg. read a book you haven’t read before) #discoverthursday
  • Offer (or give) – do something for someone else (eg. volunteer for a local community group) #offerfriday

Cllr Christine Bannon, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Health, said:

As restrictions ease and we start to emerge from the pandemic we will find the world is a different place. It’s normal to feel different too. As society opens up it is really important that we open up too and talk about the concerns or anxieties we may be experiencing. Sometimes men find it difficult to talk about how they’re feeling but hopefully Men’s Health Week will encourage men to talk honestly with friends and family.

 “If you are finding things tough right now please do take some time to look after your mental health and wellbeing by giving the CAN DO Challenge a go or checking out the free resources on the Kind to Your Mind website.

 “No one should feel they don’t know where to turn as there’s so much information, advice and support available.”

Mental health support

Being Kind to Your Mind has never been more important after the challenges of the pandemic and lockdown restrictions which have left many of us feeling a dip in our mental health.

Kind to Your Mind has lots of advice and useful resources to help look after your mental health. It is home to ALMA – the dedicated health and wellbeing website developed by the NHS and councils in Cheshire and Merseyside for local people. Here you can access a range of free online therapy programmes which include short modules on dealing with stress, getting better sleep, improving resilience and coping with your emotions.

Their online podcast series consists of a range of useful conversations with top tips and practical advice to help improve mental health, with their most recent podcast discussing Anxiety and Sleep.

You can also get a free NHS-approved Mind Plan from The Better Health – Every Mind Matters website. Simply answer five quick questions you will get a free plan with practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, improve your sleep and feel more in control.

Further support

If you’d rather chat to someone you can contact one of the agencies below. You can also call one of these agencies if you have concerns about someone you know.

If you are in mental health crisis and you need urgent help, please call the NHS Mental Health crisis line on 0800 051 1508.  NHS staff will then support you to get the help you need. – Available for people of all ages, including children and young people, available 24/7. Call Freephone 0800 051 1508.

  • Samaritans– a national registered charity with local branches, available around the clock. Freephone: 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website.
  • The Silver Lineis a helpline which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year for anyone aged 55 and over. It is free to call on 0800 4 70 80 90 from a mobile or landline.
  • CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably– a registered charity, which exists to prevent male suicide in the UK. Phone: 0800 58 58 58 or visit the CALM website.
  • AMPARO– support after suicide – offering advice and support around suicide prevention as well as support to adults, children and young people affecting by suicide. Find out more by calling 0330 088 9255, emailing referrals@listening-ear.co.uk, visit the website at listening-ear.co.uk/amparo or follow on Twitter @AMPARO_LEM
  • SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide)– meeting the needs and overcoming the isolation experienced by people over the age of 18 who have been bereaved by suicide. Find out more by calling 0300 111 5065, emailing support@hotmail.com, visit the website at https://uksobs.org/or follow on Twitter @SOBSCharity.


Notice of Public Rights

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