Knowsley Lane – Carriageway Surface Dressing

Knowsley Lane – Carriageway Surface Dressing

Knowsley Lane – Carriageway Surface Dressing

KMBC Highways team write to inform you of a surface dressing scheme due to take place on the below dates. This treatment is highly cost-effective and quick to apply, whilst offering a lower carbon footprint. The treatment will remove minor dips, seal the surface of the road, and restore grip. Once bedded-in and weathered, the new surface will look like any other road.

To deliver the works safely we need to close Knowsley Lane on two separate occasions – details below.

Phase 1 – Sunday 20th August 2023 – Application of the surface dressing (bitumen emulsion and chippings)

Phase 2 – Sunday 3rd September 2023 – Application of ‘Kiely Lock’ – (to lock the chippings in place)

In order to deliver the works safely we need to closed the road between Radway Road and Stockbridge Lane, local diversions will be in place. You may receive complaints from residents about loose chippings – this is completely normal and part of the embedment process, adhering to the temporary 20MPH speed limit will reduce this. I welcome you to watch the below video which explains in detail the surface dressing process.

The Stronger Communities Fund 2023-24 closes Friday 18th August at 5.00PM

There isn’t long left for organisations across Knowsley to apply for a share of £280,000 via the Stronger Communities Fund. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 18 August.

The Stronger Communities Fund, which was approved by  Knowsley’s Cabinet on 12 July. is an important resource that enables the Council to support Knowsley’s voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector (VCFSE) to contribute towards the priorities outlined in the Knowsley Council Plan.

For the 2023/2024 fund, Knowsley Council will be giving priority to grant applications which will tackle the impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis on residents and those which will help build further capacity for youth provision in the borough.

The principles of the fund will also support the priorities in the Knowsley Council Plan, which has a clear vision of supporting ‘Knowsley’s People and Communities to thrive’ by providing effective support for those in need, inclusive growth and skills, and achieving Net Zero by 2040.

Cllr Graham Morgan, Leader of Knowsley Council said: “We are delighted to be able to open up the Stronger Communities Fund once again to help support communities across the borough. Earlier this year, 27 organisations received a share of the fund to deliver a diverse range or projects supporting children and families, mental health, SEND, older people and so much more.

“We see the incredible work so many organisations do across Knowsley to support our residents and through the Stronger Communities Fund, we want to help them to enhance and expand their provision to ensure that our people and communities to thrive.”

Who can apply?

Registered charities, constituted voluntary, community and faith organisations, community interest companies, community benefit societies, charitable incorporated organisations, and community amateur sports clubs who have been operating for at least 12 months and have a good track record of delivery.

The Council is also keen to support newly established organisations which can demonstrate that they have strong governance structures in place.

How much is available?

Grants of up to £2,000 and £10,000 are available.  Organisations can apply for:

  1. One allocation of up to a maximum of £2,000 to support new organisations or new project ideas which require a small allocation of “seed” funding to enable the ideas to be launched and tested and,
  2. One allocation of up to a maximum of £10,000 for established organisations wishing to sustain activity or expand and extend current activity.

How to apply?

You can apply here on the council’s website. The closing date for applications is 5.00PM on Friday 18 August 2023. Funding would be released from mid December 2023, subject to Cabinet approval on 6 December 2023.

There will also be a series of online workshops available for groups/organisations to talk through the application process, if required.  These will take place via MS Teams on:

Friday 28th July 2023: 9.30am – 10.30am

Friday 11th August 2023: 9.30am – 10.30am

To book onto a session, please email

Knowsley libraries can also offer 1-2-1 appointments with digital buddies, which can be pre-booked and there are tea and tech sessions every week in each branch. Additionally library staff available are every day to assist with accessing the library computers, printing and joining the library Wi-Fi network.

All the details can be found in the link below.

Digital Help – Yourlibrary Knowsley

Please note that if you are booking a support session to receive support with completing a funding application form you will need to ensure that you have access to all to required documents electronically at the time of the appointment. A member of the Stronger Communities Team will be able to help.

Knowsley Village Summer Activities

Fanatics🙌  afternoon had by all the children that attended Knowsley Village Summer Activities, brought to you by Kab's, which took place on Wednesday 9th August, the next sessions will be                   16th, 23rd & 30th 1pm - 3pm


Summer Activities - Knowsley Village Recreational Field

Summer Activities - Knowsley Village Aug 23 (005)

These activities are being supported by Knowsley Town Council and Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council with the funding from UK Shared Prosperity Fund. For all enquiries, please contact:     


Venue: Shakespeare North Playhouse

Dates: Fri 4th Aug & Sat 5th Aug 2023
Time: 7PM

Space: The Studio




Step into the captivating world of "Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?" as the unstoppable rapper takes the stage in his debut one-man show.

Through a mesmerising blend of rap, verbatim, and heartfelt storytelling, Garland shares his personal journey of homelessness, challenging societal stereotypes and shedding light on the class divide in the UK.   Presented by ArtsGroupie, this raw and unapologetically queer production brings hope and a powerful message of community support.

Garland’s remarkable performance, accompanied by his album’s critically lauded songs, paints a vivid picture of his struggles and triumphs, delving into themes of abuse, addiction, mental health, and the broken systems that perpetuate them.

As the stage transforms into a dark canvas, Garland’s words and statistics pierce through, demanding the audience’s attention and fostering a sense of solidarity.

Produced by: ArtsGroupie

Directed by and Starring: M!key Garland

Music by Diamond Style, and Trkk Beats
Lyrics by M!key Garland

"It is raw, powerful, unashamedly queer, and hopeful

—a remarkable performance from Garland."



Planning an event in Knowsley?

Planning an event in Knowsley?

Whether it’s a summer fayre, community fun day, fun run, firework display or cycle race – no matter how big or small – make sure you liaise with the Knowsley Events and Venues Safety Advisory Group to ensure your event runs smoothly.

This includes any event on public or privately owned land, as well as the public highway.

The Group is a multi-agency group made up of representatives from Knowsley Council (Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing, Highways, Public Health, Health and Safety and Emergency Planning teams), Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and North West Ambulance Service.

It works with you to ensure that those visiting, as well as anyone involved in setting up the event, is safe. The group will review your plans and offer free advice and suggestions where appropriate.

To help you to plan your event, take a look at the Knowsley Event Safety Plan which will help you with things to consider when planning your event.

Remember to allow plenty of time to plan for your event, factoring in the Knowsley Events and Venues Safety Advisory Group being your first port-of-call before you confirm any arrangements or announce that your event is happening.

You can register your event by completing a notification form and emailing it to and

Inspiring Event for Black Entrepreneurship in Knowsley

Inspiring Event for Black Entrepreneurship in Knowsley

Knowsley Council’s Business Growth team, in collaboration with Business and IP Centre, Liverpool City Region, recently hosted the ‘Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship’ event.

It’s the first event of its kind to be held in Knowsley and aimed to encourage black and minority ethnic participation in business and increase their representation in the borough’s economy.

The event brought together existing and prospective black entrepreneurs, business support agencies and various community groups to shine the spotlight on opportunities for black entrepreneurs in Knowsley and the wider Liverpool City Region.

Cllr Graham Morgan, Leader of Knowsley Council, welcomed everyone to the event. He commented:

“Knowsley is a very supportive borough where a strong community spirit shines through. Our population is becoming more diverse, and we want to make sure that our diversity strengthens this community spirit. It’s important we support black and minority ethnic entrepreneurship in Knowsley and promote the borough as an attractive place to live and work. But we must also identify the specific needs of black entrepreneurs and any additional barriers that may exist. I hope that delegates found this event useful and that we continue to work together to provide opportunities for black entrepreneurship in Knowsley.”

To start the day, guest speakers Primrose Matsega, Founder of Best Care Liverpool, Michelle Peterkin-Walker, freelance artist at Reklaw3, Akoma Arts and Professor Nduka Nnamdi Ekere from Liverpool John Moores University delivered passionate and thought-provoking presentations to delegates about their experiences.

The event continued with an engaging Q&A session with an expert panel and concluded with a thriving marketplace where local business showcased their products and services and delegates had the opportunity to network and make connections.


Delegates were full of praise for the day and said they found it inspiring and ground-breaking, lively, engaging, energetic and most were keen for this type of event to happen again.

“I wanted to say a big well done for the event. I was really impressed with the number and range of businesses at the event and the energy around the room.”

Emeka Onuora – LCR Race Equality Programme Manager

“The words inspiring, moving, ground-breaking, fascinating, and thought provoking don’t do sufficient justice. The room was filled with the most incredible people bursting with talent, skill, warmth humour, positivity, and ambition. There was a terrific atmosphere, packed venue and everyone agreed it was a first for the city region and must happen again.”

Event sponsor Geraldine Fuller, BIPC Liverpool

“What a fantastic, motivational, and engaging morning I had.  Thank you to all of those who made it happen and especially to the panel for their engagement and insightful presentations.”

Kevin Rogers – CEO, Merseyside Community Training

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about business support in Knowsley, you can get in touch with the Business Growth Team on 0151 477 4000 or email

Mayoral Celebration Evening 2023

The Mayor of Knowsley Town Council, Councillor Bernard Donnelly welcomed guests to the annual celebration evening on Friday 30 June 2023.

Amongst the civic dignitaries was Councillor Eddie Connor, Mayor of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, the Leader of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council Cllr Graham Morgan and the RT Hon George Howarth MP.




The evening officially recognised Councillor Bernard Donnelly's election as Mayor of the Town Council for the municipal year 2023/24. Councillor B Donnelly consort for this term of office is his granddaughter, Rosie Donnelly.

A number of presentations were made on the evening:

The Mayors Charites for 2022/23


Flourish and Succeed and Millennium Morris Dancers were presented with a cheque for £681 each by last year's Mayor now Deputy Mayor Cllr Lynn O'Keeffe.

Maureen Clunan Award

The Maureen Clunan award was presented by the Mayor, Cllr Bernard Donnelly to Stephanie Tomlinson who had been nominated by the Council for all her hard work and support to the local Township, Stephanie nominated charities were the Safari Kids Club & The Phoenix Social Group, the nominated charities accepted their cheque of £375 each from Knowsley Town Council, presented by the mayor Cllr Bernard Donnelly.




The event raised £315 on the night for the Mayors chosen Charities 

The Mayor would like to thank everyone for attending the Mayoral Celebration and for all the donation's received. 

Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship in Knowsley

Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship in Knowsley

Knowsley Council’s Business Growth team, in collaboration with Business and IP Centre, Liverpool City Region, is supporting diversity in its business base and is hosting a ‘Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship’ event on Wednesday 28 June at the Village Hotel in Whiston

The event aims to encourage black and minority ethnic participation in business and increase their representation in the borough’s economy.

The event will bring together existing and prospective black entrepreneurs, business support agencies and various community groups and shine the spotlight on opportunities for Black entrepreneurs in Knowsley and the wider Liverpool City Region.

The event will be opened by the Council’s Leader, Cllr Graham Morgan, with a number of presentations and keynote  speeches from local black entrepreneurs. The event will feature a panel discussion and question and answer session facilitated by BBC journalist Ngunan Adamu.

Cllr Graham Morgan commented: “I’m delighted to be hosting the “Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship” event in Knowsley, which will provide a great opportunity to share best practice, celebrate and recognise the contribution black businesses make here in Knowsley as well as share the range of support that is available to them.”

The event is open to anyone interested in entrepreneurship, including those considering starting a business, as well as more established and start up enterprises.  The event is particularly aimed at entrepreneurs and business people from our black and minority ethnic communities, but anyone interested in the subject matter is welcome to attend.

If you would like to attend the “Opportunities for Black Entrepreneurship” event, please book on via Eventbrite here.

Keep yourself safe during the warm weather spell


Keep yourself safe during the warm weather spell

With the warmer weather set to continue into next week, residents are being reminded to keep yourself, and those around you, safe and well in the sun.

Hot weather can be dangerous for the vulnerable, such as older people, young children and those with serious illnesses.

There are lots of things we can all do to keep ourselves – and those around us – safe during the hot weather:

  • Keep out of the sun between 11.00am and 3.00pm.
  • Wear at least factor 30 sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection and remember to apply 30 minutes before going out in the sun. Reapply every couple of hours.  Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Ensure all children wear a hat or head covering.
  • Ensure children wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes.
  • Ensure everyone has plenty of cold drinks to keep hydrated (avoiding caffeine, alcohol or sugary drinks).
  • It is advisable to eat cold foods, particularly washed salads and fruit with a high-water content.
  • Keep the environment cool by keeping windows that are exposed to the sun closed or shaded – electric fans will help too and ensure a flow of air.
  • DO NOT use an electric fan if anyone in the home is unwell with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Ensure there are shaded areas in the play areas.
  • Don’t leave babies and young children alone especially in cars or rooms which get very warm such as conservatories.
  • Monitor children and vulnerable adults with health conditions.
  • Ensure that medication is kept below 25°C.
  • Take extra care when planning outdoor activities such as barbecues, which involve prolonged time spent outdoors as well as posing an additional fire risk.
  • Don’t jump into cold water (dams etc) to cool down. Extreme caution should be taken if entering, playing or swimming in open water.

In the meantime, if you are worried about what to do, either for yourself or somebody you know who you think might be at risk, telephone NHS 111 or visit your local chemist.

More information and advice can be found on the Met Office website.