Guy Fawkes Night --- Tomorrow. Be Safe!

Guy Fawkes Night --- Tomorrow. Be Safe!

Tomorrow night is November 5th and the traditional date when we celebrate Guy Fawkes' ill-fated attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament. There are typically two ways to mark the event: either have a small event with family and friends or attend a spectacular public display.

Every year, accidents are reported and it would be appropriate to list some of the most important parts of the Firework Code:  

  1. Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114.
  2. Do not drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
  3. Keep fireworks in a closed box.
  4. Follow the instructions on each firework.
  5. Never go near a firework that has been lit.
  6. Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
  7. Always supervise children around fireworks.
  8. Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
  9. Never give sparklers to a child under five.
  10. Keep pets indoors.

For more information on safety, visit the website Always follow the Firework Code in order to be safe and not sorry.

On the other hand, a public firework display will take place on Tuesday 5 November at Simonswood Playing Fields in Kirkby. The event starts at 7.00 p.m. and is FREE. Simonswood Lane and Moss Lane will be closed to traffic during the evening in order to allow people to safely gather and join in the fun. On street parking in the area will be limited.  

Enjoy tomorrow night but please take care.