
 Town Council Precept 

Knowsley Town Council – Financial Information.

Knowsley Town Council is completely funded through the Annual Precept and the income received from hiring out the Bob Whiley Centre in Knowsley Village and the Pavilion in Stockbridge Village.

 What is a Precept?

 In February each year, the Town Council agree its budget for the following financial year. The Precept is the amount on money the Town Council needs to meet its expenditure requirements after taking into account any generated income.

2025/26 Precept

The Town Council is highly aware of the impact of the cost of living crisis on the community. As a result, it has been agreed that the Precept for 2025/26 will remain unchanged at 0%, maintaining the total at £333,995

Knowsley Town Council remains committed to providing a quality service to all residents in the Township and in doing so will continue to monitor closely its expenditure.

Residents can obtain further information by contacting Jane Thomas via email or 0151-548-4545

Knowsley Town Council remains committed to providing an excellent service for all residents of the township and will continue its programme of upgrading its facilities for the benefit of the community it serves.