The event was held on 13th December 2018 at the Bob Whiley Community Centre, the event was well attended by the centres user groups and local councillors.
A good evening was had by all, the council would like to give a big thank you to the girls from Dance Works Knowsley for their lovely performance.
Mayor Cllr L Tomlinson
Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending tonight.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their continued support and the representatives
from the user groups for their support for the Town Council.
The Town Council prides itself on delivering excellent services for the benefit of the local
community. Since 2010, the Town Council has seen its income decline through Government
Cuts and has managed to maintain the same level of services for the community on a
much reduced budget. This has been achieved without the need to excessively
increase the precept, in fact the Town Council has not raised its precept for the last
few years and has no intention of raising it in 2019/20.
Apart from the precept, the only other income the Town Council receives is through the
letting of its premises to community groups and your continued use of our premises is
important in helping the Town Council to deliver the high level of services. So a very big
thank you to you all and long may this partnership continue.
The Town Council takes pride in providing and managing its facilities to a high standard
and has a planned capital expenditure programme which included £70k towards a new
children’s playground in Hillside and the modernisation of its buildings in order to provide a
safe and secure facilities for the future benefit of its residents.
The playground in Hillside is now completed and being enjoyed by the local community
and the first building to benefit from the refurbishment programme is of course the Bob
Whiley Community Centre.
So tonight it gives me great please to officially re-open the Bob Whiley Community Centre
behalf of the Town Council.
Please enjoy the rest of the evening. I would also like to inform you that later the pupils from Knowsley Dance Works will be presenting us with a performance for our enjoyment.
Thank you.