Town Council Staff
The Town Council are currently re-advertising the position for a Part-time Caretaker/handyperson.
Please note previous applicates for this role, there is no need to reapply, as your application has already been considered.
For more details, please click the link below.
Job Description Caretaker Handyperson 25 hrs
The Town Clerk, Jane Thomas, and Admin Officer, Louise Harrison, are based at the Town Council Offices in the Bob Whiley Community Centre. The Caretaker/Handyperson and Cleaner work across various Town Council premises. The staff of Knowsley Town Council are as follows::
Jane Thomas - Town Clerk Tel: 0151 548 4545
Louise Harrison - Admin Officer
John Boyd - Caretaker
John Smith - Caretaker
Dorothy Hollinghurst - Cleaner
Louise Harrison - Admin Officer