Mind Movers

Mind Movers

FREE Drama & Sports Sessions for 13 – 15yr olds 

 Anyone with children aged 8+ ideally living in Stockbridge or close proximity 

FREE Drama & Sports Sessions for 13 – 15yr olds 

People can register their interest here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YPSessions

This is on top of the brilliant detached Club @ the Hub sessions by Freestyle Urban Soccer & Stockbridge Action Youth (SAY) sessions by Vibe UK Org  which are also included in the survey.




New Adult Courses starting January 2022

Family And Community Education (FACE)
New Adult Courses starting January 2022
For all course information and to book onto your chosen course log onto the website: www.knowsleyface.co.uk    

*Note: if you are an existing learner or a learner from a previous year, please call Ange Powell on 07870 884266 to set up a web account for you. You will be advised if this applies to you when you enter your details on the website. Click FACE January 2022 Course list  

Courses, times, and venues are subject to change and/or cancellation due to minimum numbers.
All courses are being delivered remotely unless otherwise stated. For more information and photographs, 


Tall Tales in Stockbridge Village

As part of the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture programme, Tall Tales in Stockbridge Village will now take place in February.

Tall Tales was due to take place on 7 and 8 January at 6pm and 8.30pm but it will now take place on 4 and 5 February (still at 6pm and 8.30pm).

Tall Tales is a brand-new, large-scale community artwork that will see Merecliff – a residential 16 storey tower in Stockbridge Village (adjacent to the M57 motorway) – animated and illuminated in light.

The dramatic projection which will be accompanied by a soundtrack, will tell the story of local people and communities who have shared their stories, memories, hopes and dreams about the place they call home.

These Tall Tales, captured, interpreted and exaggerated by artists Illuminos will be brought to life over two incredible evenings and is being delivered in partnership with Knowsley Council, ForHousing and the local community.

All events are free to attend.

See your Stories Come to life, Tall Tales

Tall Tales

Important information: the Tall Tales event will now take place on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th February 2022. This is a precautionary measure due to uncertainties around COVID so soon after Christmas. The safety of residents comes first and so we have taken the decision to move the event by 4 weeks.

In 2022, Knowsley will be the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture. The year-long programme of events and activities will celebrate everything about culture in Knowsley – from art and theatre to comedy, dance, food, sport and much more.

2022 is Knowsley’s year and it promises to be a special one and Stockbridge is not missing out.  You can find out and keep up to date with events here. 

Tall Tales, an exciting project that will form part of Knowsley Borough of Culture’s illuminating opening series of light-based events, stands to be one of the most spectacular events of the year, and it’s happening on your doorstep!

Story Collectors have gathered stories from the community and passed them onto artists Illuminos who will put them together, creating an animation that celebrates Stockbridge and the people that live there.  This work of art will shout about Stockbridge from the rooftops, Merecliff’s to be precise, as it is projected over two nights on one of the sides of the high-rise. 

Tall Tales is a free event which shines the spotlight on Stockbridge Village and brings community stories to life. 

Make sure you have 4th and 5th February in your diaries, as this will be the date of Tall Tales, when the projections and all the stories come together and are shown to the rest of the borough! The projections will take place from 6:00pm - 7:30pm on both Friday and Saturday and each showing will last approximately 15 minutes.

More information? 

To keep up-to-date with all the exciting Borough of Culture events across 2022 you can visit www.cultureknowsley.co.uk or and follow Culture Knowsley on social media: FacebookTwitter and Instagram

If you would like any more information about the project please email communities@forhousing.co.uk or call Stockbridge’s Community Development Officer, Annie on 0787 280 7955 or @AnnieForHousing on Facebook & Twitter. 

Mid Mersey age UK

Age UK logo

Call: 0300 003 1992 

                       Email:  enquiries@aukmm.org.uk

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🎄Safe & Happy Christmas

Image result for christmas

Knowsley Town Council

 Wish Everyone a Happy & Safe Christmas

Cllr Baum Mayor of Knowsley Town Council, Christmas Hampers

Another lucky winner of Knowsley Town council Mayor’s M&S Xmas hampers on Stockbridge Village.

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Looking after your mental health over the festive period

Woman sad at Christmas time

Looking after your mental health over the festive period

This time of year can be difficult for many people and it can really take a toll on your mental health.

The additional pressures of the festive season can be stressful – especially for those who already struggle with their mental health.

The Mind mental health website has great tips for coping during Christmas, which includes information about self-care and the importance of prioritising your own wellbeing.

It also includes suggestions about supporting others at this time, highlighting how everyone has different experiences of Christmas.

Self-help tools

Kind to Your Mind has lots of advice and useful resources to help look after your mental health. It is home to ALMA – the dedicated health and wellbeing website with a range of free online therapy courses to help you deal with stress, getting better sleep, improving resilience and coping with your emotions.

The Kind to Your Mind Podcast has a series of useful conversations with top tips and practical advice to help you through. Search Kind to Your Mind on your podcast provider or you can listen via the website: www.kindtoyourmind.org/podcast/

The website links to the NHS Better Health Every Mind Matters website which also contains expert advice and lots of practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. By answering five quick questions you will get a free personalised NHS-approved Mind Plan with practical tips to help you manage stress and anxiety, sleep better and boost your mood.

Cllr Christine Bannon, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Health, said:

“The festive season and Christmas time in particular can be a hard time for many people.


“People may have lost a loved one and find this time of year especially difficult, they may have a perception that everyone else is enjoying themselves, or they may be struggling with their mental health after what has been another challenging year with the pandemic.


“If you know someone who may be feeling isolated or struggling emotionally at this time of year, please take time to reach out to them and offer your support.


“If anyone needs further help, please encourage them to access the free, expert support which is available to people 24/7, 365 days a year.”

Support for people of all ages

The Better Health Every Mind Matters website has a range of dedicated support and resources to help parents look after the mental wellbeing of their children and for young people to care for their own mental health.

Young people in Knowsley aged between 10 and 19 years can access free counselling and wellbeing support with Kooth. The online support is free, safe and anonymous and provides advice on a range of topics. Young people can chat to the friendly Kooth community or speak to a member of the Kooth team.

Meanwhile, the Young Minds website has some really useful advice for children and young people and parents/ carers.

For those aged 55 and over the Silver Line is a helpline which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. It is free to call on 0800 4 70 80 90 from a mobile or landline.

Listening Ear provide a range of emotional and psychological therapies and support services for children, young people and adults.

Knowsley CAMHS Services is a referral service for children and young people in Knowsley whose emotional, behavioural or mental health issues are causing them problems in their school, family or social life. If you are worried about your child, make an appointment to speak to your GP.

Qwell offers adults over 19 in Knowsley free digital mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week with access to an extensive range of self-care information and resources such as an online journal and peer-to-peer support via moderated forums.

One-on-one online counselling sessions with fully qualified wellbeing practitioners are also available 365 days a year, from midday to 10pm on weekdays, and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends and holidays.

Think Wellbeing offers free NHS therapy for people with anxiety or low mood, to help people change the way they feel by changing the way they think.

Available to anyone aged over 16 who is registered with a Knowsley GP, you can self-refer via the website.   Similar services exist in other areas for those who live outside of Knowsley.

SHOUT is a free, confidential text messaging service available 24/7 for anyone who is feeling low, anxious, worried, overwhelmed or not quite yourself. The number won’t appear on your phone bill.

By texting the word ‘REACH’ to 85258 you will start a conversation with a trained volunteer who will listen and support you to get to a calmer and safer place.

Stay Alive, the suicide prevention app (available free on iOS and Android devices), is designed to help both those who are having suicidal thoughts and those who are concerned about someone else.

It has several features including a safety plan and LifeBox where people can upload images or videos that remind them of their reasons to stay alive. The app also directs people to local help and gives people the tools to start a conversation about mental health and suicide.

Help in a crisis

If you, or someone you know, need urgent help mental health support please call the NHS Mental Health crisis line on 0800 051 1508.  NHS staff will then support you to get the help you need. This is available 24/7 for people of all ages, including children and young people.

Safety of Women at Night-Time

Graphic with words We have a right to the night     

Right to the Night: helping ensure the safety of women at night-time

December 14, 2021

With the festive season underway, Knowsley Council is working closely with Merseyside Police, the hospitality sector, taxi drivers and security staff to help women feel safe and have an enjoyable time when out during the evening in Huyton, Prescot and Kirkby. Together they agree that women have a Right to the Night.

Sadly, we know that women and girls can feel vulnerable when socialising, or travelling alone to and from school or work, and often this is even more so the case at night. Recent high-profile national cases have brought these dangers into sharp focus.

Knowsley was recently awarded almost £190,000 from the Home Office, to fund a project that will improve the safety of women and girls at night in the borough.

Particularly in the run up to and during the festive period, the funding will be used to ensure additional policing resources are in the area, specifically during the evening in Huyton, Prescot and Kirkby where there is a growing night-time economy. If someone feels harassed, intimidated, unsafe, vulnerable or threatened they are urged to speak to a police officer who can help ensure their safety and tackle the person or people causing concern.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods said:

“All women and girls have the right to enjoy themselves and feel safe at night-time. Whether that be on a night out or simply walking from A to B – they all have a right to the night.

“This additional investment will allow us to provide additional resources and offer a reassuring presence. We will continue to work with Merseyside Police, local businesses, community groups and others, to ensure women and girls in our borough feel safe as they go about their day to day lives.”

In the new year work will start on a training programme for bars, restaurants, taxi drivers and security staff in Huyton, Prescot and Kirkby, inducting them into the Ask for Angela safety initiative.

People who feel harassed, intimidated, unsafe, vulnerable or threatened can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’. This code-phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist them. This might be through reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi, or by calling venue security and/or the police.

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods continued:

“The Ask for Angela scheme is a discreet way of women finding help when they feel threatened, and it is great news for Knowsley that we have this service on its way. While we are not experiencing a significant problem with violence against women in our town centres and villages, it is important to provide this level of support for women enjoying our night-time offer.

“Please keep an eye out for a wide-ranging campaign in the new year that will let you know when the scheme is in place.”

Superintendent Phil Mullally, Knowsley Local Police commented:

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of women and girls and already carry out operations aimed at preventing violence and sexual violence across areas of Merseyside with a night-time economy.

“During the festive season you will see an increased presence of police officers in Huyton, Prescot and Kirkby town and village centres, particularly at weekends and evenings. If you have any concerns or wish to report an incident, then please speak with them. Alternatively, you can report an incident of sexual violence via the Merseyside Police website or by calling 101. In an emergency you should always call 999.”

If you have been affected by sexual assault/ and or abuse or rape support and information is available from the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre on 0151 218 7960 or 0330 363 0063, or visit www.rapecentre.org.uk/