
Knowsley Town Council News

Secondary School Admissions --- Deadline Date Looms!

Parents of current Year 6 pupils have until the end of the month (i.e. Thursday 31 October 2013) to apply for a secondary school place. It is very easy to apply online by visiting and searching... Read more

Looking Out For A Hero

Does your family have a tale of heroism about an ancestor who fought in the First World War? Do you know any interesting stories about experiences of local soldiers who served in the "Great War" or more recent conflicts? If... Read more

Energy Saving Week --- Top Tips To Save Money!

We are all aware of the recent news regarding electricity and gas hikes by the power companies. But did you know this week (21 to 25 October 2013) is actually Energy Saving Week? Me neither! Around this time of year, we use more energy... Read more

Town Council Accounts For 2012/13 "Signed Off"

The accounts of the Town Council for the last financial year (2012/13) have been "signed off" by the Government-appointed auditor. This scrutiny demonstrates, once again, that the Town Council's accounts comply fully with all national guidelines and legislation. Local councils in England must complete an Annual... Read more

Town Council Awards Another Grant!

The Town Council has awarded yet another grant to a local community group! At the Meeting of the Town Council on Thursday 17 October, the Mayor, Councillor John Donnelly presented Hope Primary School PTA with a cheque of £540. Read more

Dog Micro Chipping In Stockbridge Village Today!

Owners can bring their dogs along for advice, health checks and FREE micro chipping in Stockbridge Village today!  Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council's dog wardens and the Dogs Trust will be in the car park at The... Read more

Elections 2014 --- Are You Registered To Vote?

Knowsley's borough elections and the European Parliamentary elections will take place in May 2014. YOU NEED TO BE ON THE ELECTORAL REGISTER IN ORDER TO VOTE. The Annual Electoral Registration Update form will be sent to all households in... Read more

Council Crest --- Legal Rights!

The Town (and formerly Parish) Council has used the coat of arms of the Earl of Derby (or Stanley family) for numerous years on a whole range of items including stationery, uniforms, literature, signage, civic regalia and the website. This utilisation... Read more

Bob Whiley Community Centre Official Opening

The new Bob Whiley Community Centre was officially opened on Thursday 19 September 2013. The new Community Centre, formerly known as Knowsley Youth Club, is on Shop Road, Knowsley Village within... Read more

Bob Whiley Community Centre --- Under New Management!

A Service Level Agreement has been concluded between the Town Council and Knowsley Village Community Association. The Community Association will now manage the Bob Whiley Community Centre on behalf of the Town Council for the benefit of local residents. The Service Level Agreement... Read more

More Grants Awarded By The Town Council!

At the last Town Council Meeting, grants were awarded to three local organisations. The Town Council has always supported local groups and organisations benefiting residents and communities. The Town Council sees this as one of the most effective ways in which... Read more

Stoptober Challenge For Knowsley's Smokers

During October, smokers in Knowsley are being encouraged to quit together, as Stoptober --- the nation's biggest ever mass participation stop smoking challenge --- is launched for the second year. The Public Health England campaign is all about helping people to stop smoking. A team of... Read more

Important Changes To Knowsley's Waste And Recycling Service

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC) will be making important changes to the waste and recycling service. From 7 October 2013, KMBC intends to introduce a new, easy to use waste collection service to help residents recycle even more of their household waste. The changes mean that in... Read more

It's All Happening In Stockbridge!

There's a whole load of community activities taking place at the Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Centre. The activities are open to all and everybody is welcome to take part. So what is going on? The list below will provide you with... Read more

Pledge To Recycle For Knowsley And Win A Kindle Fire

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC) are GIVING away FREE 18 Kindle Fire (16Gb) tablet computers to residents pledging to Recycle for Knowsley. Every Knowsley resident signing up to KMBC's pledge will be entered into a FREE prize draw to win a Kindle Fire. Full details are... Read more

New Travel Support Policy For Knowsley

Plans to introduce a new travel support policy is being considered by Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC). The policy emphasises independent travel whilst setting out who can receive support for travel to education, training or social care within the Borough, and... Read more

A Storming Victory In Knowsley For Sir Bradley Wiggins!

On a typically wet and windy autumnal day, the Tour of Britain came to Knowsley yeasterday. The Stage Three time trial over 16 kilometres (10 miles) passed through... Read more

Sir Bradley Powers To Victory --- Breaking News!

Olympic Champion Sir Bradley Wiggins stormed around the 16 kilometre time trial course in wet and windy conditions to claim victory in Stage Three of the Tour of Britain held in Knowsley today. Sir Bradley completed the course in 19 minutes 54 seconds to beat fellow... Read more

The Tour Cycles Through Knowsley Village Today!

  Following yesterday's gruelling Stage Two in the Lake District, the Tour of Britain moves to Knowsley TODAY for a time trial. Stage Two, featured testing gradients of around 24% and lasted over 186 kilometres. It began in Carlisle and ended in Kendal. Stage Two was won by... Read more

The Tour Comes Tomorrow --- Where To Catch The Race

The Tour Of Britain is now well underway and Stage Three comes to Knowsley tomorrow, Tuesday 17 September. It is now time to start thinking about the best places to watch the UK's biggest cycle race. The streets will be lined with... Read more