Christmas Pantomime for 2021 Aladdin
We are pleased to announce that the Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park Christmas Pantomime for 2021 will be Aladdin. if you are interested please don’t leave booking on till the last minute as you might miss out.
Below is further information, highlighting how you can book on.
Why don’t you conjure up a Christmas treat by attending Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park for this year's magical Christmas pantomime….
Trio Entertainment return this Christmas after the huge success of "The Wizard of Oz" to make all your wishes come true with our magical Christmas pantomime "Aladdin".
Tricked into going into the cave of wonders by the evil Abanazar, Aladdin finds himself trapped in a cave with nothing but a dirty old lamp and no way out. When Aladdin rubs the lamp a magical Genie appears to save the day and rescue him from the cave and grants him three extravagant wishes …
Join the hilarious Aladdin who joined by his wacky washerwoman mother Widow Twankey along with the beautiful Princess Jasmine, her guardian the crazy but strict police chief and a magical spirit to guide our hero along the way on this magical carpet ride of a pantomime!
- Saturday 4th December – 7pm : Adults £11 Children £9
- Sunday 5th December – 1pm & 5pm : Adults £11 Children £9
If you would like to book seats for this year’s pantomime, please contact our Box Office on : 0151 443 2200 or go online
SERIOUS INCIDENT, Bob Whiley Community Centre, Wednesday 6th October 2021
Bob Whiley Community Centre
Wednesday 6th October 2021
A Knowsley Town Council member of staff was threatened with a knife by a youth at the above Knowsley Village community facility. Details of this incident have been reported to the police who are now investigating the incident. As this is an ‘active’ police investigation I cannot give any more information to you. However, this is the latest incident which has occurred in the vicinity of the BWC which have also been reported to police.
Knowsley Town Council will do, and will take all necessary steps required, to safeguard staff and the facility from criminal anti-social behaviour. KTC staff are employed by the council but in effect working for the residents of Knowsley Village to provide a first-rate facility. If any residents of Knowsley Village have any information regarding these ASB incidents, can I ask them to contact Merseyside Police. KTC has spent nearly £1/2m improving this centre for residents of the village, so if you have any information please report it to the police or crime stoppers anonymous on
0800 555 111.
Thank you.
Cllr. Dennis J. Baum
Mayor, Knowsley Town Council.
Black History Month

Here, Lucy Tomlinson from the Back and Minority Workers Group introduces Black History Month.
Black History Month is the time of year when the UK celebrates the achievements, successes and history of Black people from both this country and around the world. It provides a focussed opportunity to recognise just how much Black people have helped to shape this country and how they continue to do so. It also allows for individuals and organisations to reflect on their own attitudes, processes and prejudices, and make a real commitment to change for the future.
The theme for Black History Month UK 2021 is "Proud to Be", where Black and Brown people will be invited to share what they are proud of about themselves whether that be an achievement, a characteristic, the way they look etc. The intention is that this personalised theme will allow for children, young people and adults to share their own individual and unique stories and allow for a chance to reflect.
Events taking place locally and nationally throughout Black History Month 2021 will also provide a chance for continued education and to sustain the conversations that were brought to the forefront as a result of the events of 2020 and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Knowsley Council has a Black and Minority Workers Group for staff who identify as BAME and the group meet monthly with members of the Exec Directors Team to discuss issues relating to equality and diversity. There is also a dedicated Black and Minority Workers Liverpool City Region staff group who work collectively to progress issues across the City Region. If you'd like any information on either of these groups, then please contact
Further information on Black History Month can be found at Black History Month 2021 - Proud To Be
Forthcoming free courses
Online Mental Health Boosting Webinars:
These are all aimed to empower participants with the tools and insights to manage their mental health and improve their overall wellbeing. Our webinars cover a wide range of topics such as Building Your Confidence, Creating a Healthy Mindset, Managing our Emotions, Food & Your Mood and many more.
Knowsley Social Prescribing Courses :
We are running a wonderful variety of courses in the community: Knowsley Walks, Drama Courses, Knowsley Safari Trip & Writing for Beginners.
Attendees can sign up via our website directly or staff by following this link: Events | Wellbeing Enterprises or give us a call on 01928 589 799 and we would be more than happy to assist signing attendees up to their chosen courses.
Please click on link below for timetables of courses available
3 Online Oct-Dec 2021 - SECURED
2 Knowsley Oct-Dec 2021 - SECURED
Beating of the Bounds 2021
On Sunday 19 September 2021, Knowsley Town Council held its Annual Beating of the Bounds. Members of the Council and invited guests walk the public footpaths in the Township. This year, the walk commenced at Boodecroft Doorstep Green taking a circular route through Little Wood. Luckily the rain stayed off, and everyone enjoyed a pleasant stroll through the countryside on the doorstep.

Need Help With DIY??
Want to make your house feel more like home,but lacking the skills and tools ?
SHELTER can help.
Shelter exists to defend the right to a safe home.
Thanks to our partnership with B&Q, the support and advice provided through our team of DIY SKILLS ADVISERS help turn a house into a comfortable home.
DIY Skills Advisor (DIYSA) Service
- To support clients and develop practical skills to help them resettle in their home or sustain their tenancy.
- To improve the client’s sense of ownership and investment in their home.
- To ensure the client’s home is safe for them to live in.
The DIYSA service will do this by:
- Supporting a client to carry out work themselves by teaching planning and practical skills to complete the task.
- Where it is not possible for the customer to undertake work themselves the DIYSA will try to accommodate reasonable request while maximising customer involvement.
- Any gas, plumbing or electrical work (including removing sockets while decorating).
- Flooring or carpeting rooms.
- Removal’s (emergency or small moves may be authorised by a team leader in advance).
- Plastering whole walls.
- Tree surgery and ongoing gardening work.
- Any aids or adaptations including grab rails.
- Work higher than a 6-rung ladder.
- Fit curtain poles, blinds and curtains.
- Decorate including wallpaper 1 room only subject to individual client’s needs (due to H&S we cannot decorate halls, stairs and landings).
- One off garden tidy work – grass and hedge cutting (height restrictions).
- Installing additional locks bolts and chains.
- Assembly of flat pack furniture.
- Fitting of child safety items & safety gates (door frames only).
- Fencing repairs and single wooden gates (requires team leader approval)
- Connect washing machines (if pipework already installed)
This role is to work with the client to skill share and empower the client to feel confident about doing DIY tasks around the home.
Shelter DIYSA Leaflet
DIYSA referral form
Call 03445151900
Huyton and Stockbridge Village Together
Huyton and Stockbridge Village Together
Communities invited to bid for money to support local projects
September 24, 2021
Communities invited to bid for money to support local projects
On Saturday 16 October, community groups from across Huyton and Stockbridge Village will come together at an event where they will have the chance to secure funding to help create safer communities.
Hosted at Lord Derby Academy, each group will give a two-minute pitch explaining their idea for a project that will tackle a range of issues from crime and anti-social behaviour to mental health issues. Their peers in the audience will then vote on the groups they feel should receive the money. This ‘Dragon’s Den’ style event offers the chance for groups to be awarded up to £5,000 from a larger pot of £40,000.
If you’re a member of a community group and want to help create safer and stronger neighbourhoods, please email and request an application form. If your application has been selected, you will be contacted by One Knowsley and invited to take part in the event. People have until Monday 4 October to apply.
Members of the Huyton and Stockbridge Village community are also invited to attend so they can cast their vote. If you’d like to attend, please email
Funded by Merseyside Police, Knowsley Council and Livv Housing, with further support from For Housing, Huyton and Stockbridge Village Together gives the community the opportunity to influence the way issues that matter to them are tackled. The event will also give the chance for attending groups to network with other groups, making connections with other people dedicated to improving the lives of members of their community.
Huyton and Stockbridge Village Together follows on from the success of Kirkby Together in February 2020 which saw groups bidding for funding which addressed serious violence. Some of the successful groups submitted bids to provide diversionary activities to children and young people including football, boxing, drama and forest schools.
Click on linlk below
Participatory-Budgeting-Funding-Application-Form Huyton and SBV Together -1
SBV and Huyon Together FAQ_
Food Drink and Music Friday 24 September

The popular family-friendly Huyton Live event is returning to Huyton Village Centre on Friday 24 September from 4pm until 9pm.
This latest event will have a German “Oktoberfest” theme, including German-themed cuisine and drinks. Live entertainment will also be provided by local artists.
Further details on the full array of street food traders and drink outlets will be shared once confirmed.
Prior to the pandemic, Huyton Live proved to be a popular event with residents, businesses and visitors, but now that restrictions have been lifted, Knowsley Council was keen to see its return to Huyton Village Centre and final preparations are now underway to make this event bigger and better than before!
Plus, Huyton Village Centre will be hosting its first Artisan and Craft Market on Saturday 25 September from 11am until 3pm. A range of handmade and unique goods and gifts will be available to buy in the undercover marquee in the heart of the village centre.
Continued promotion of Vaccination
As part of the Knowsley Better Together Approach, we would like all council services, externally commissioned services, schools, and community organisations the Council works closely with all who have regular contact with residents to continue to promote and encourage Vaccination for all eligible.
Key Points:
- As of 15th September 33,425, of the eligible Knowsley residents have failed to come forward for a first dose. This is 24.5% of the Knowsley population, and compared to the national average of 10.8% Knowsley has significantly lower levels of protection.
- Hospital admissions are increasing and our first and best line of defence to reduce transmission, to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and the community is to increase the number of people vaccinated.
- For more information on the clinics available until the end of the month, please take at look at this page: Where to get your COVID-19 vaccination - Knowsley News
- We expect a routine evergreen offer to be available at residents local GP practices from Early October, we will share information with you when this is approved and available.
- Healthwatch Knowsley’s phone line is available for support. They can advise on where clinics are, talk residents through the booking process and arrange FREE transport for residents to any clinic. 0151 449 3954 is the number to call.
General social
🧪Have you had your COVID-19 vaccine? All over 16s are now eligible and there are plenty of ways you can get your jab across the city region:
🎫 You can make an appointment
➡️ Visit one of the drop-in clinics taking place
🚕Need help finding a clinic, booking an appointment, or getting there? Call 0151 449 3954 (lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and 10am to 5pm at weekends). Transport is FREE
👉 Find out more on Knowsley News
Text Message/WhatsApp
Still waiting for your 1st or 2nd COVID-19 jab? There are plenty of clinics taking place across the city each day. We can help with any questions about getting your vaccine, and even you get you there FREE of charge if you don’t have access to transport. Visit or Call 0151 449 3954 (lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and 10am to 5pm at weekends)
Many thanks for your continued support!
Maureen Clunan Award

Congratualtions to Maria Reagan
This Year's receipient of the Town Council's 'Maureen Clunan Award' for outstanding community contribution in the Township - with the Mayor Cllr D Baum.